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Muncy (Jan. 28)

By Staff | Jan 27, 2009

According to reliable sources, last Sunday evening’s Silver Ring Thing/Myth Busters Tour promoting sexual purity among teens broke a record in attendance in North America. Over 2,000 teens throughout the region, between the ages 13-18, vowed to remain sexually pure prior to marriage, quite a considerable feat considering the bombardment of all things pertaining to sex in every medium.

Our public library is offering a number of beneficial programs, including a Teen Trivia challenge on Thursday, Jan. 29, 7-8 p.m., a book sale, Saturday Jan. 31, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m.; Valentine Bingo, 2-3 p.m., Feb. 7; and a Listening to Teens Workshop Feb. 17, 7 p.m. All programs are free; however, registration is required by calling 546-5014.

Senior Citizen Pat Davis was the all-around winner of the Meck Center’s Wii bowling tournament, which began Jan. 12 and ended Jan. 26. Pat bowled a 185 and was among 18 bowlers in the contest, which resulted in winnings of a year-long subscription to The Luminary, cash and lottery tickets. Congratulations to all who participated!

Muncy Junior Alex Klopp may very well be inducted into the Athletic Hall of Fame if he continues his fledgling career in weightlifting. He’s already broken lifting records, and is currently working on exceeding 505 pounds in bench pressing. Go for it Alex!

Seven weeks until Spring!