Last month, I had a pain in my wrist that didn’t go away. After my doctor recommended an x-ray and a bone scan to check for a fracture, I was eventually scheduled to see an orthopedic surgeon. He walked into the exam room, glanced at the films on the light box and said, “These are not impressive.”
I almost apologized, but then realized that he meant that there was nothing on the scans that indicated the reason for the pain. Diagnosing the cause as an inflamed tendon, the doctor reassured me that it was nothing that a shot of cortisone wouldn’t cure. And sure enough, he was right. Quite impressive!
Happy Valentine and happy birthday wishes are sent to my Uncle Joe Wheal who celebrates his 92nd birthday this Saturday.
Starting Thursday, Feb. 19, from 7 to 8:30 p.m., the Watsontown United Methodist Church, 11 E. Third St., Watsontown, will host GriefShare, a special help seminar and support group for people experiencing grief and loss. This begins a 13-week session which will continue until May 21. The group will not meet on Maundy Thursday, April 9. No pre-registration is required. For further information, contact the church office at 538-1017 or Sue, at 538-1841.
Sat. Feb 21, 4 to 6:30 p.m., a Dip Supper will be held in the social hall at the Elimsport Methodist Church. A dip (serving) of meat will be $2.50, along with 75-cent dips of hot and cold side dishes. Hot and cold beverages will be available for 75 cents and dinner rolls for 25 cents. Homemade pie also will be available. Smaller dips, at a discounted price, are available for children 10 and under. Takeouts will be available. This month features a choice of roast turkey or roast beef with all the “fixins”; and/or a hamburg barbeque sandwich.
Sat. Feb. 21, 4 to 7 p.m., an all-you-you-can-eat Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner/Dance will be held at the Warrior Run Area Fire Dept. Social Hall, Allenwood to benefit Michael Beaver, a local man diagnosed with Angiosarcoma Cancer. There will be Chinese auction and 50/50 raffle; dance starts 7 p.m.
Sunday, Feb. 22, there will be a Pampered Chef Bingo event at the Clinton Township Fire Hall to benefit Seth Bartlett and Travis Kennedy’s trip to Spain. Doors open at 1 p.m., Early Bird games start at 1:45, games begin at 2 p.m. To purchase your tickets ($20 for 20 games), please contact Tammy at 547-6709 or Deb at 547-2467.
Thurs. Feb. 26, at 7 p.m., there will be a Donkey Basketball Game Seniors VS Faculty at the Montgomery High School Gym. Advance tickets are $5; $7 at the door. This event benefits the Montgomery Sophomore class.
Sunday, March 1, 12 noon to 6 p.m. at the Clinton Township Fire Hall, there will be a Spaghetti Dinner and Raffle fundraiser to benefit Max Litzelman. The Montgomery Leo Club will be helping at the dinner and making a donation to the family. Cost is $8 for adults and $4 for children under 10. For more info or to make a donation, please call Denise Gearhart at 570-772-1812.
The fundraiser to benefit the family of Max Litzelman will be held Sunday, March 1, 12 noon to 6 p.m. at the Clinton Township Fire Hall. Admission is $8 for adults and $4 for children under 10 for the spaghetti dinner. A Chinese Auction will be held; donations of items for the auction are being accepted. Please contact Denise Gearhart at 570-772-1812 or you can mail your monetary donation to Denise at 621 Heilman Circle, Montgomery, PA 17752. Please make your check payable to Denise Gearhart with “Max Litzelman Benefit” in the memo line.
Sunday, March 1, at 2 p.m. the Watsontown United Methodist Church will celebrate a Ground-Breaking Ceremony for the building of a new church at the Eighth Street landsite; a reception will follow at the church.
Saturday, March 7, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., the Montgomery Lions will host a Sauerkraut Meal. Take outs available 4 to 4:30 p.m. Cost is $7.00 adult, $4.00 children. Advance tickets available for $6.50. Con
tact Norm @ 570-547-2873 or call the fire station at 570-547-1000.
Sat, March 14, 8 a.m., the Warrior Run Area Ministerium will hold a Community Lenten Breakfast at the Watsontown United Methodist Church. The Rev. Paul Smith, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, will give the message.
To place an order for Easter eggs, stop in at the Clinton Township fire station or call 570-547-1000.
Congratulations to Anthony Mirabella of Montgomery Elementary for his winning entry in the Martin Luther King Jr. essay contest that was sponsored by the City of Williamsport and local businesses. Anthony won in the in the category for grades four through six and received a book from Otto Book Store and a gift certificate from Plankenhorn’s Stationery Store.
And congratulations to every student, teacher, staff, and board member of the Montgomery High School for being named one of America’s Best High Schools and achieving the bronze award from the publication, U.S. News & World Report. Montgomery was one of only three schools named in Lycoming County. What an honor!