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Tri-Town Locals (2/18/09)

By Staff | Feb 18, 2009


by Cindy Knier

The Calvary theater group, an outreach ministry of First United Methodist Church, 602 S. Market St., Muncy, will be producing “Seussical” this summer. Auditions for the show will be held the end of March through mid-April. Interested performed (actors and musicians) should contact Kevin Myers for details at 546-2414 or by e-mail (kmyers@wrsd.org). Look for further information in the near future regarding auditions and show dates.

As a part of the annual celebration of “Music is Our Schools Month,” the Muncy School District Choruses will offer two concerts. The Muncy Junior-Senior High Choruses will present their annual “Winter Concert” on Tuesday, March 3, at 7 p.m. in the Muncy High School Auditorium.

The Myers Elementary School Choruses will present a “Musical Celebration” on Wednesday, March 4, 7 p.m. in the Muncy High School Auditorium. The groups performing will be the Sixth Grade Chorus, Fifth Grade Chorus, Fourth Grade Chorus, and the Myers Honors Chorus.

Writes Don Dorsett, concerning a poll on our website concerning the Main Street 2012 program: “I noticed [the poll on the Main Street program in Muncy] and one of the choices for people to select was “There is a Main Street program?”

If you lived in Muncy B.M. (before mall) you know what a nice little (read complete) town business district can be.

Some time ago I happened to visit the Watson Theatre where they have lowered their prices to $5. What a nostalgic walk down their clean, well-lit Main Street with occupied store-fronts to visit a nice family owned Movie Theatre, with freshly popped pop corn. Nostalgic?”


by Mary Megan Wolfe

Birthday wishes to the following: Kristen Fry, Brenda Finkler, Joni Lyons, Garry Robbins and Caleb Groom-Feb. 18; George Edkin, Renee (Diggan) Laychur and Tom Quinn-Feb. 19; Tom Odell and Richard Strausser-Feb. 20; Evan Daniel Ryder and Alice Grove-Feb. 21; Reuben Doebler (87 years), Pastor Sam Schmitthenner (81 years) and Julie Savage-Feb. 23; Pearl Colyer (91 years) and Bryan Langdon-Feb. 24.

Happy anniversary to: Mike and Cathy McCoy-Feb. 19; Lewis and Marian Harman-Feb 22; David and Julie Whitmoyer-Feb. 23; Francis and Cindy Johnson-Feb. 27.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.


by Joan Wheal Blank

Phone calls in the middle of the night at not unusual at our house. Usually, Steve quickly takes care of the issues that arise at work and, by the time our alarm clock goes off at 6 a.m., I had forgotten that there was even a call.

There are calls, however, that are never forgotten. My father often reminded me about the midnight call he received 30 years ago after the front end of my Ford Falcon became close friends with the end of a cement bridge a few miles from home. The 3 a.m. call that came last March to tell me about my mom’s stroke will always remain in my memory. But, thankfully, there are other calls that are not emergencies, like the one I received last night. This one was only a request for a ride home from the Emergency Room. Get well soon, U.L.

Sat. Feb 21, 4 to 6:30 p.m., a Dip Supper will be held in the social hall at the Elimsport Methodist Church. A dip (serving) of roast turkey or roast beef or a hamburg barbeque sandwich will be $2.50, along with 75-cent dips of hot and cold side dishes. Takeouts will be available.

Sat. Feb. 21, 4 to 7 p.m., an all-you-you-can-eat Spaghetti and Meatball Dinner/Dance will be held at the Warrior Run Area Fire Dept. Social Hall, Allenwood, to benefit Michael Beaver. There will be Chinese auction and 50/50 raffle; dance starts 7 p.m.

Sunday, Feb. 22, there will be a Pampered Chef Bingo event at the Clinton Township Fire Hall to benefit Seth Bartlett and Travis Kennedy’s trip to Spain. Doors open at 1 p.m. To purchase your tickets, please contact Tammy at 547-6709 or Deb at 547-2467.

Thurs. Feb. 26, at 7 p.m., there will be a Donkey Basketball Game Seniors versus Faculty at the Montgomery High School Gym. Advance tickets are $5; $7 at the door. This event benefits the Montgomery Sophomore class.

The fundraiser to benefit the family of Max Litzelman will be held Sunday, March 1, 12 noon to 6 p.m. at the Clinton Township Fire Hall. Admission is $8 for adults and $4 for children under 10 for the spaghetti dinner. A Chinese Auction will be held; donations of items for the auction are being accepted. Please contact Denise Gearhart at 570-772-1812 or mail a monetary donation to Denise at 621 Heilman Circle, Montgomery, PA 17752. Make your check payable to Denise Gearhart with “Max Litzelman Benefit” in the memo line.

Sunday, March 1, at 2 p.m. the Watsontown United Methodist Church will celebrate a Ground-Breaking Ceremony for the building of a new church at the Eighth Street landsite; a reception will follow at the church.

Tuesday, March 3, 12 noon, The Montgomery Area Senior Citizens will hold the March meeting on Tuesday, March 3 at the St. John Lutheran (Brick) Church. Reservations are necessary for the catered meal and can be made by calling Charles Duchman at 547-1160 no later than Feb. 27. Visitors are welcome for the cost of the meal. Bring table service. Susquehanna Home Care and Hospice will provide health checks prior to the dinner.

New Covenant Assembly of God Church, 1270 Pinchtown Rd., Montgomery, will hold a week-long Missions Celebration beginning on Sat. Mar. 7. At 6:30 p.m., a Missions Banquet will be served featuring foods of Swaziland, followed by a message from Michael Goodling. On Mar. 8, 10:15 a.m., David Stanislaus, former missionary to the Netherlands, will speak. On Mar. 11, 7 p.m., speakers will be Sonia and Stephen Wallace, missionaries to Argentina. Everyone is welcome. For more info, contact the church at 570-547-1503 or newcovag@comcast.net.

Saturday, March 7, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., the Montgomery Lions will host a Sauerkraut Meal. Take outs available 4 to 4:30 p.m. Cost is $7.00 adult, $4.00 children. Advance tickets available for $6.50. Contact Norm @ 570-547-2873 or call the fire station at 570-547-1000.

March 7, 4 p.m., the Watsontown United Methodist Church, 11 E. Third St., will serve a roast turkey dinner. Cost is $7.50 for adults and $4 for children ages 5-12. For more information, contact the church office at 538-1017.

March 14, 8 a.m., the Warrior Run Area Ministerium will hold a Community Lenten Breakfast at the Watsontown United Methodist Church. The Rev. Paul Smith, pastor of First Presbyterian Church, will give the message.

To place an order for Easter eggs, stop in at the Clinton Township fire station or call 570-547-1000.Condolences go out to the family and friends of six-year-old Max Litzelman, who passed away last week.

Just One More Thing

by Kathi Blaker

Winter can be long, dismal and boring unless you find an entertaining way to occupy your time. Some outdoor enthusiasts can hardly wait until the first real snowfall so they can pursue their passion of skiing, snowboarding or snowmobiling. I am not one of those people-I don’t ski, snowboard or snowmobile, although I used to enjoy the thrill of sled riding on the hill at the elementary school. The trip up the hill following the ride down became a huge deterrent and I gave up the delightful experience when the school refused to install a chairlift when they did their big remodeling job. It’s always about money.

Because I am an indoor kind of girl and a big supporter of Muncy High School and their athletic programs, I’ve found that spending time in a nice warm gymnasium rooting for the home team can be a great way to cure cabin fever. It’s nice to see that parents of student athletes are not the only people willing to suffer bleacher-butt. Supporting the kids has become a community event and it’s just one of the things I love about life in a small town.

While the majority of the cheers from the crowd are enthusiastic and for the most part very encouraging, some of the most vocal remarks from the stands are often rude and derogatory. Boos from the crowd do nothing to encourage the athletes and heckling the referees and coaches makes the heckler look like the poster child for poor sportsmanship.

The athletes are kids playing a game because they love the sport and because they have pride in their school. The referees are not there for the money. If it was extra income they were looking for they could wear the same outfit and work at Footlocker and receive less harassment and more money.

I realize this observation comes a bit late in the season and the real offenders will probably never read this nor recognize themselves if they did read it, but maybe the negative sports fans out there will see themselves and start to save a little money each month from now until winter arrives again.

Then they can buy a snowmobile, a pair of skis or a snowboard and work out their frustrations outdoors, a long way away from any high school gymnasium. I think it would work well for all involved.