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Tri-Town Locals (3/11/09)

By Staff | Mar 11, 2009


by Cindy Knier

From Mark and Theresa Tarquinio, Muncy, comes the following e-mail:

Now that the dust has settled, Mark and I would like to thank the community for their support of our business for almost 28 years. This was a very emotional decision for both of us, especially since I have worked at Harter’s since I was 16. Mark and I raised our children in this community and when it came time to sell we tried to find an independent pharmacist to purchase the business. Unfortunately due to the present state of the health care system this was impossible.

Our two daughters visited the store the week before the sale to see the site where they grew up playing in the back rooms while Mark and I worked. They remembered having wheelchair races and turning the stereo up so that they could hear it and almost making the customers deaf. The grandchildren called Harters the “free” store and wonder what they will do without the candy and coloring books and toys that they got when they visited. They all agreed giving this up so that grandma and grandpa could finally come and see them play baseball on a saturday was worth a free candybar.

Mark and I are still a part of this community and hope to rent or sell the building to a new family who is interested in becoming a part of Muncy history. This is just a new chapter, not an end. Thank you for a wonderful life.

Of noteworthy observance is the birthday anniversary of Beatrice Harradine, whose turns 102 on Friday, March 27.

Casting of They’re Playing Our Song began this week at Muncy High School, which will have performance dates sometime in May. The play is under the direction of Jacquie Engel, assisted by Bob Taylor


by Mary Megan Wolfe

Here is a little comparison for those of you who are over the age of 30. I know I can certainly relate to these; let’s see if some of you can.

1977: Long hair; 2009: Longing for hair

1977: Acid rock; 2009: Acid reflux

1977: Trying to look like Marchlon Brando or Liz Taylor, 2009: Trying not to look like Marchlon Brando or Liz Taylor

1977: Seeds and stems; 2009: Roughage

1977: Going to a new, hip joint; 2009: Receiving a new hip joint

1977: Rolling Stones; 2009: Kidney stones

1977: Parents begging you to get your hair cut, 2009: Children begging you to get their heads shaved

1977: Passing the drivers test; 2009: Passing the vision test

1977: Whatever; 2009: Depends

The people who are starting at a university this year were born in 1991-too young to remember the space shuttle blowing up. Their lifetime has always included AIDS. The CD was introduced three years before they were born. They have always had an answering machine and cable. They cannot fathom not having a remote control. Popcorn has always been cooked in the microwave. They never took a swim and thought about “Jaws.”

They can’t imagine what hard contact lenses are. They don’t know who “Mork” was or where he was from, have no idea who J.R. is and don’t care who shot him. They don’t have a clue how to use a typewriter. It’s good to have friends who know about these things and are still alive and kicking.

Trinity Lutheran Church in Hughesville will be hosting a community luncheon on Saturday, March 14, from 11 a.m. 1 p.m. Warm up with homemade soup and a tasty sandwich. A free will offering will be accepted.

An all-you-can-eat pork and sauerkraut dinner will be held on Saturday, March 14, from 4 7 p.m. at Christ United Methodist Church in Hughesville. Prices are adults $8, Children 6-12 $4, and under six are free.

The Mike Vax Big Band will be performing at Hughesville High School on Thursday, April 30 at 7 p.m. Both of the high school Jazz Bands will be opening for the band. Tickets are $10. Come out and see this amazing and entertaining band. Dancing in the aisles is allowed.

Birthday wishes to Bob Haffley, Chet Ritter and Kim Gardner-March 11; Karen Berger, Pam Clementoni, Cam Myers, Grant Shaner and Odessa Wagner-March 13; Kristen Kline, Diana Gordner, Amber Herlt, Matt Marchtin, Ken Mincemoyer, Jim Snyder, Marchy Smith, Claudia Davison, Wilma Nevel and Brenda Kline-March 15; Shawn Ayers, Brennan Joseph Gardner and an Angel-March 16; Wayne Wagner-March 17.

Happy anniversary to Vern and Rose Ann Statts, Carl and Bonnie Reese-March 12; David and Kathy Taggart-March 15.

Remember; take the high road because the low roads so crowded!


by Joan Wheal Blank

Recently, we stopped in at Jo-Ann Fabric to help Steve’s daughter choose a pattern, some fabric, lining, thread, ribbon, and a package of hooks and eyes for a school sewing project. After Steve recovered from sticker shock (the pattern was marked “half-price” but it still cost almost $9), he mentioned how he remembered his mother using her special shears to cut fabric. Yes, my mother had also used those special shears-and, finally, after we both recovered from our “senior moment,” we remembered that they were called pinking shears.

My next thought was “Why are they called “pinking” shears?” Are you curious now, too? Well, here’s the deal: according to Wikipedia, the online encyclopedia, pinking shears may have gotten its name from the flower called Pink-a cousin to the carnation. If you look closely at the edges of the flowers’ petals, you’ll see that they are scalloped or “pinked.” And speaking of Pinks, they should be blooming soon, carpeting the cemetery grounds with a wash of color at Mt. Zion Church on Beaver Lake Road outside of Hughesville. Stop by-it’s quite a sight!

Saturday, March 14, beginning at 9 a.m., stop by the First United Methodist Church of Montgomery, West Houston Avenue, to pick up your quart ($5 each) of their famous Chicken Pot Pie. Takeouts only.

Saturday, March 14, from 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m., the Watsontown Christian Academy will hold a benefit auction at the school on 8th Street in Watsontown.

Saturday, March 14, 8 a.m., the Warrior Run Area Ministerium will hold a Community Lenten Breakfast at the Watsontown United Methodist Church.

Saturday, March 14, 3 p.m., basket bingo at the Turbotville Community Hall. Doors will open at 1:30 p.m. This event is sponsored by the Warrior Run Soccer Club.

Tuesday, March 17, 7 p.m., at the Montgomery Borough Office, the Montgomery Historical Society will host Lewisburg resident and retired forestry professor Jack Fisher, who will present a program on the history of logging in central Pennsylvania. Logging tools from Fisher’s collection will be on display.

Saturday, March 21, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Montgomery Lions Club will hold a Yard Sale at the Lions Hall on Main Street to benefit Relay for Life. There will be clothing, household items, craft supplies, Christmas items, dishes, books and more. Also available: hot dogs, nachos and cheese and baked goods.

Also on Saturday, March 21, at 10 a.m., area scouts and their leaders and parents will be joining members of the Montgomery Area Historical Society at the Stone Church for their annual spring cemetery cleanup. Flags will be removed from veterans’ graves; new flags will be placed by mid-April.

As I See it

by Joyce McCarty

Is it just me or does February seem like a really short month despite the fact that it only is missing a day or two? It seems that the groundhog barely crawls back into his hole before Valentine’s Day is here. Frankly, I get tired of hearing that the groundhog has seen his shadow again. Has it ever occurred to anyone that regardless of whether he sees his shadow or not, according to my calendar, there are six more weeks until spring?

It just gives us something to talk about I guess. That takes up the first week of February. Then the barrage of Valentine ads appear on TV and in the newspaper making us feel that unless you buy your loved one a 2-carat diamond ring or some sort of diamond jewelry you just aren’t love worthy. After Valentines Day passes we are half way through the month.

I personally enjoy perusing the seed catalogues and making up my wish list for this year’s garden. The “list” always starts out really long with items that look absolutely beautiful in the catalogue, but I remind myself that these items don’t necessarily look that good in my garden and if they need too much care, they get crossed off.

The grocery stores have had seed displays in since the first week of January. I think this is done to taunt and tease us. I find myself leafing through the packets dreaming of warmer weather and getting dirt under my fingernails. I always get the planting itch this time of year. I think it has something to do with seeing something green come up out of a makeshift garden box in the kitchen window. It makes me feel that I have some control over the weather, that I have cheated old man winter somehow.

The final two weeks of February bring Presidents’ Day and the Lenten season starting with Shrove Tuesday, more fondly known here as Fastnacht Day, and then Ash Wednesday.

Maybe for Lent I’ll give up worrying about when spring will get here, and enjoy each day no matter what the weather. I will give up watching weather reports and crossing off days on my calendar. Spring will get here when it gets here-now where are those seeds?