Tri-Town Locals
by Cindy Knier
If rumors were a power source, the world would never have to be concerned with an energy crisis. Here in Muncy, several rumors have been circulating, some of which are true, some of which are not.
Some of the alleged gossip includes Haywood’s restaurant purchasing the Paul Geringer Social Hall and opening a second store in Muncy. True or false? False…and false.
Kim Walker, sole owner and operator of Haywood’s, set the record straight recently, saying that a second Haywood’s restaurant is being opened-not in Muncy, but rather, Lock Haven.
As for the sale of the Paul Geringer Social Hall, that remains true, and the property is listed on the Fish real estate website for an asking price of $699,000.
Another rumor involves the closing of Target, which cannot be verified at this point, but since Target is continuously opening new stores throughout the country at an astonishing rate, it would appear to be inaccurate.
Another rumor that is new involves a Burger King restaurant being developed in the Lycoming Crossing plaza, near Target According to a Union County contractor, bids are now being collected to build the fast-food eatery.
The Kellie R. Grose Foundation invites all to join the Second Annual Breast Cancer Awareness Benefit on Saturday, March 21, 7 p.m. until midnight. The benefit is being held at the Watson Inn, 100 Main St., Watsontown. All proceeds are tax deductible and the Foundation would like to reach out and support others in their fight against Cancer.
Tickets are available at the Lewisburg Hotel, Watson Inn, and the Scarlet D or by calling (570) 538-3852. Tickets are $10 per guest in advance, $15 per guest at the door.
Belated happy birthday to Wayne Wagner-his big day was March 17; birthday wishes are sent to Ross Yagel of Muncy on March 18.
If you notice the crossword puzzle looks slightly different this week, it’s because we received a suggestion from a Farmer’s wife, and put it into action. Hope you like it, Judy!
Also new last week and in this issue are two new columns-one providing restaurant reviews of local dining establishments, called the Gastro-Gnome; and the second appearing this week titled Historical Hodge-Podge.
If you have suggestions on which restaurants you’d like the Gastro-Gnome to review, let us know and we’ll pass the suggestion on to him. Depending on his mood (he can be cranky from time to time), perhaps he’ll review the restaurant of your choice.
by Mary Megan Wolfe
Last week our family took a vacation to Disney World in Florida. If you’ve ever been there, you know that it actually is the happiest place on the face of the earth. Everyone is smiling and polite. Even when a child is crying or throwing the ever potential temper tantrum, the people around lend a sympathetic countenance. Gallantry and cordialness abound.
One thing I noticed was that there are certain women who seem to be from the planet Venus, gliding around the park in their heels and their painted on jeans. Their hair is coiffed, their children are sleeping angelically in their strollers and I am certain that even when they wake up in the morning, their makeup is perfect.
These are the kind of women who remind me of Demi Moore; the older they get, the better they look. I myself am like Demi Moore in that we both have five fingers on each hand. That’s where the likeness ends.
I mention this, because in comparison, I looked like neither a princess nor like I was from Venus. As I walked and attempted to wind my way around the park, my shoelace was untied, the small backpack I was carrying was bursting with my camera and various souvenir packages, and my hair was matted to the side of my head due to rushing down into the briar patch and getting soaked on Splash Mountain.
At times I was very hot and thirsty, and I even came home with a sunburn on my face, with the exception of my eyes which were protected by my sunglasses; hence, I have the ever popular “raccoon eyes.”
In all fairness, I’m sure the aforementioned women have their own difficulties. For instance, they must have missed their weekly massage since they were at Disney for the week. I may not be from Venus, but to my credit, we had a great time, we traveled safely and I even got a wave from Mickey himself!
Congratulations to the Sr. High Spartans Boys Basketball team! Never in Hughesville High School history has a boy’s basketball team gone so far. The boys will be playing this Wednesday evening in the semi-finals against Imhotep Charter at East Pennsboro High School in Enola, at 7 p.m.
The Huntersville 4-H Club will have their first meeting of the year on Tuesday, March 24 at the home of Norma Zeisloft at 6:30 p.m.
Huntersville area senior citizens will meet on Wednesday, March 18 at 7 p.m. at the Huntersville United Methodist Church. Members are asked to bring a wrapped article for the White Elephant fundraiser.
The Mike Vax Big Band will be performing at Hughesville High School on Thursday, April 30 at 7 p.m. Both of the high school Jazz Bands will be opening for the band. Tickets are only $10.
There are many mid-week Lenten services available. Wednesday, March 18-St Mark’s Lutheran Church in Lairdsville at 7 p.m. Wednesday, March 25-Trinity Lutheran Church in Hughesville at 7 p.m.
Happy birthday to the following: A belated happy birthday to Kristen Kline on March 151 Charlotte Reese, Shirley Reese-March 17; Jim Myers, Gerald Houseknecht and Jonathan Gordner-March 18; Patrina Pulsifer, Sara Ryder, George Long and Nevin White-March 19; Luther Lozano-March 20; Rachel Langdon-March 21; Mason Swisher, Helen Mausteller, Roberta Fisher, Anthony Fenstermaker and Zach Lund-March 22; Heather (Swisher) Hearn, Dave Wertz, Pastor Tom Brokaw, Amy Haueisen, Jesse Wagner, Sarah Ayers, Michael Ayers, Heather Hearn and Carmen Rupert-March 23; Nicholas Marchtinelli, Alaina Bower and Joey Rogers-March 24.
Happy anniversary to: Fred and Freda Robbins, Steve and Tina Worley-March 18; Jerry and Donna Fought-March 19; Jim and Sara Jane Patterson (50 years)-March 21; Dan and Missy Rogers, Carmen and Margaret Rupert-March 22.
Martha Jane Houseknecht, retired nurse and formerly from Crawley Street in Hughesville, is now a resident of the Sycamore Manor, Williamsport. Until her illness, she was very active in her church and Muncy School reunion activities.
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.
by Joan Wheal Blank
This Saturday, I’ll be celebrating another birthday and, coincidentally, so will the borough of Montgomery. Yes, it has been 122 years since our town was officially incorporated on March 21, 1887. So stick a candle in your stack of pancakes on Saturday morning and have the kids sing “Happy Birthday” to the “best little town along the Susquehanna.”
We all should take pride in what our community did recently for the family of 6 year-old Max Litzelman, who passed away in February. On March 1, we came together and raised a whopping (are you sitting down?) $23,000! For all who attended the event and for all who contributed in organizing this successful fundraiser where over 900 meals were served, you should all be very, very proud.
The Montgomery Area Public Library is accepting donations of gently used movie CDs and DVDs for their upcoming fundraiser. Please drop them off with Sue or Cindy anytime M, T, W, F from noon to 8 p.m.; Th. 9 a.m. to 2 p.m.; and Sat. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. While you are there, take a minute to browse the shelves and get your library card back in circulation!
The St. John Lutheran “Brick” Church is selling Easter eggs. Please call 547-1289 for more information.
Saturday, March 21, from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., the Montgomery Lions Club will hold a Yard Sale at the Lions Hall on Main Street to benefit Relay for Life. There will be clothing, household items, craft supplies, Christmas items, dishes, books and more. Also available: hot dogs, nachos and cheese and baked goods.
Saturday, March 21, beginning at 5 p.m., the White Deer Valley Sportsmen will hold the Second Annual Sportsman Banquet. Meal begins at 6 p.m. For Tickets call Tim Gordon (570) 220-0118 or Brett Taylor (570) 220-2613.
On Wednesday, April 8, a family style Roast Beef Dinner will be served from 4:30-6 p.m. at St. John Lutheran “Brick” Church. Cost is $8 for adults, children 6-10 $4, under 6 free. Take outs are available by calling 547-6423.
On Saturday, April 25, the Montgomery Historical Society will host an Open House at the Stone Church, featuring a program on the families who lived in Alvira before the government takeover in 1942.
Also on the 25th, the fifth annual Black Hole Clean-Up is planned. Please contact Becky at 547-6289 for more info.
On Saturday, May 16, the Montgomery Yard Sale and the Black Hole Creek Annual Fishin’ Derby at Riverside Campground are scheduled. Then, on Saturday, May 23, the Montgomery Lion’s Club Auction at Montgomery Borough Park will take place.
And, finally, the 104th Montgomery High School Alumni Banquet will be held Saturday, June 13, at the Clinton Township Fire Hall, Route 54. The Social Hour will be held from 5-6 p.m. with dinner served at 6 p.m. Did you graduate in a year ending in 4 or 9? Then this is your reunion year! Please give Leona Dewalt a call at 570-547-6086 or check the alumni website at
Just One More Thing
by Kathi Blaker
This is not a crack-free world. From the time I was a little girl on New Street I knew that stepping on a crack in the sidewalk could potentially break your mother’s back. This resulted in lots of hopping and jumping around in order to insure my dear mother’s health.
As I got older I learned how to crack an egg, and with lots of practice I eventually mastered the one-handed crack. I’ve also been known to occasionally deliver a wise crack or two. Mostly these have been spontaneous cracks and often have been spoken without a lot of forethought. Cracks are like that. They just slip out when you least expect them to.
For instance (and now you will see why I am fixated on cracks this week) recently my hubby and I were running errands and found ourselves, as luck would have it, near a “Wendy’s” and it was past our lunch time. After placing our order I found a table near a window and sat down and waited for our food. I looked out the window for a bit and then the table next to me became a little loud as children eagerly ate fries and fought over prizes. So I glanced their way and while the kids were fine, mom, whose back was toward me, was obviously oblivious to the fact that her jeans had gone south and her top had gone north. Yep, there she was giving me a sort of butt smile without even trying. It was kind of like an accident you pass along the road, you don’t want to look, but you just can’t help it.
Being the mature person that I am, I got a case of the giggles and could hardly wait to point out our happy neighbor to Corky as he arrived with our lunch. His face was priceless and he told me that I had to stop looking or I could go blind.
He knows some medical stuff so I did make an effort to gaze elsewhere but her big smile was reflected in the window. That lunch was the most entertaining one I’ve had in a long time.
My friend’s cracks are everywhere. They’re in our sidewalks, our eggs, our walls and occasionally in our vocabulary. But unless you’re a plumber on the job, it’s always a good idea to keep any personal cracks under wraps, especially at meal time. The eyesight you save could be mine.
And just one more thing, GO SPARTANS! Best wishes and lots of luck on the road to states. Your neighbors in Muncy are behind you all the way!