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Trit-town Locals (3/25/09)

By Staff | Mar 25, 2009


by Cindy Knier

A sincere apology to the family and friends of Hazel Poust, who passed away Feb. 24.

While her obituary had been posted on our website (www.muncyluminary.com), I neglected to include it in our printed publication until a call from one of her daughters last week showed the error. For that, I do extend both my apologies and sympathies; the obit appears on page 4.

Bridesmaids dresses and/or prom gowns in decent condition and various sizes are needed for a prom-for the elderly residents at Kramm’s Nursing Home in Watsontown this spring.

Those who would like to donate to the cause may contact by e-mail Jean Wommer at jean_wommer@yahoo.com, or by calling 570.538.2561.

In addition, the nursing home is also in need of high school students dressed in prom attire to be in a fashion show.

Sergeant James Bomboy Sr., formerly of Muncy, paid a visit to the Luminary last week while in town during a 30-day leave.

The 1994 Muncy High School graduate recently returned from a third tour of duty in Baghdad, Iraq. During that time, Bomboy was the recipient of several care packages from the area organizations and private citizens, for which he remains thankful.

MHS grad David Sterngold is having a good first year at Swarthmore College, where he is a writer for The Phoenix. Some of our readers may recall his series “Stay-cation” which was featured last summer

According to his father, Arthur Sterngold, David has also received compliments on his writing from several of his professors, and has been nominated to be a writing tutor for the college next year.

Last fall, David had a good soccer season, scoring seven goals, including the only goal against John Hopkins to help Swarthmore win the Centennial Conference championship.

In recognition of National Colorectal Cancer Awareness Month, The LifeCenter is giving out free screening kits throughout March. The kits are provided by Blue Cross of Northeastern Pennsylvania and may be picked up Monday through Friday from 10 a.m.5 p.m. at The LifeCenter in the Lycoming Mall.

The LifeCenter also invites you to attend a free presentation: “Colon Cancer: Early Screening and Awareness Saves Lives” held Friday, March 27, 10:30 a.m. and 1:30 p.m.

Belated birthday wishes to Amanda Fox-March 21, and happy birthday to upcoming birthdays of Al Jelliff, in Ridgeville, SC; and Jacque McCarty, March 30


by Mary Megan Wolfe

Sweet sixteen and final four are phrases heard this time of year. I will not attempt to dazzle you with my basketball knowledge, simply because I have none. Movies and people are my forte.

I have picked North Carolina to take it all-based on the fact that every year I hear the name North Carolina kicked around until the end of the season. I know one person who makes her choices based on the team colors-how silly is that! Even I know that blue is a much more popular color than orange, but I am a little worried about that red team.

Speaking of basketball, how about those Spartan boys’ basketball players! What a tremendous season they had. Although they lost to Imhotep, who took the state championship, they certainly made us proud. And the showing of Spartan spirit and pride at the semi-final playoffs was overwhelming.

Susquehanna Health will be holding a Diabetes Alert Day on Wednesday, March 25 at the Life Center in the Lycoming Mall from 10:45 to 2 p.m.

Happy birthday to Taylor Falk and Yvonne Heatley-March 25; Shirley Michael and John Vandine-March 26; Cindy Mueller and Cindy Freed-March 27; Isabelle Holmes, Wilma Smith and Reyne Artley-March 28; Katha (Feister) Elser, Ashley (Elser) Papson, Karen Snyder, Jennifer Rush, Leona Snyder and my good friend Pauline Freezer-March 29; Ken Maciejewski, Dan Sheehan, Elva Mae (Barto) Worthington-March 30; Kierra Croucher, Sally Powers, Kari Shaner, Kati Shaner, Ruth Swisher, Jim Wagner and Craig Girven-March 31.

Happy anniversary to Rusty and Beth Bitler, Ronald and Norma Temple-March 28; Jim and Ruth Wentzel, Don and Thelma Blair-March 31.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.


by Joan Wheal Blank

When the historical overview of the Muncy Luminary appeared on our website late last week, I began to wonder about the beginnings of this column. Each of our towns had its own newspaper: the Luminary printed Muncy news, the Hughesville Mail reported the latest about Hughesville, and the Montgomery Mirror covered White Deer and Black Hole Valleys.

But by the early 1900s, bits of Montgomery-area news began to appear in the Luminary. A column called “Rays: Items collected with scissors, paste, and pencil” provided day-to-day gossipy news.

An example is this item that appeared in 1911: “W.A. Everett and R. J. Foresman, two of the young and progressive farmers of White Deer Valley were in Williamsport on Tuesday with a big load of fine dressed porkers.”

Lists of birthday party attendees, names of out-of-town visitors, and reports of tragic accidents involving pitchforks and other farm implements peppered the lines of the “Rays.” During the 1920s, the column’s subtitle was changed to “Paragraphs pertaining to persons and places” and, in January 1929, a column of “Local Happenings” appeared.

In the late 1930s, Luminary readers could find “Hughesville News” as well as news from Opp, Pennsdale, Clarkstown, and Huntersville. Finally, in April 1942 under the banner “News Items from Nearby Communities,” a column on Black Hole Valley appeared-written by Mrs. John (Barbara) Heilman.

Next week: How many correspondents do you remember from the 50s, 60s, and 70s?

So what’s going on in 2009? This Saturday, March 28, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., an Indoor Yard Sale will be held at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 6590 Musser Lane in Watsontown. There will also be a Chinese Auction and a food stand featuring soup, chili, hot dogs and a variety of baked goods.

Saturday, April 4, starting at 4 p.m., a Beef Pot Pie Dinner will be held at Watsontown United Methodist Church, 11 E. Third Street in Watsontown. Cost is $7.50 for adults and $4 for children ages 5-12.

Tuesday, April 7, 6:30 to 8 p.m., Montgomery and Elimsport schools invite you to Fine Arts Night at the elementary school on Penn Street. The school chorus and band will be featured, as well as a student art exhibition, games and other activities.

Wednesday, April 8, 5:30 p.m., the New Covenant Assembly Church will host a community indoor Easter egg hunt at the church’s gymnasium at 1270 Pinchtown Road. There will be a special location for preschoolers, prizes for those who find specially marked eggs, and story time. Children from preschool age to 5th grade are welcome to participate.

Wednesday, April 8, a family style Roast Beef Dinner will be served from 4:30 to 6 p.m. at St. John Lutheran “Brick” Church. Cost is $8 for adults, children 6-10 $4, under 6 free. Take outs are available by calling 547-6423.

Thurs., April 9, 4 to 7 p.m., the Clinton Township Volunteer Fire Company will be serving an All-You-Can-Eat Buffet Style Dinner featuring pancakes & waffles, sausage & ham, your choice of apple or orange juice and milk.

Tuesday, April 14, 6 p.m., the Montgomery Vol. Fire Co. Auxiliary invites all area women to a Girls Night at the fire hall on Montgomery Street. The auxiliary is looking for new members and former ones who would like to return. For more info, please call 547-6462 or 916-2002.

Saturday, April 25, 10 a.m. to 2 p.m., St. John’s Lutheran Church, 6590 Musser Lane, Watsontown, will hold a carry-out only Soup Sale. Choose from Vegetable Beef and Chicken Noodle Soup at $3/pint, $5/quart; Black Bean Chili con Carne (hot and mild) at $4/pint, $6/quart.

Saturday, April 25, the Montgomery Historical Society will host an Open House at the Stone Church, featuring a program on the families who lived in Alvira before 1942.

Also on April 25, the fifth annual Black Hole Clean-Up is planned. Please contact Becky at 547-6289 for more info.

Tues, May 5, at 7 p.m., Black Hole Creek Watershed Association will meet at the borough hall. Topic is “Geo Caching 101” with featured speaker Ruby Sanguedolce.

Saturday, May 16, the Montgomery Yard Sale and the Black Hole Creek Annual Fishin’ Derby at Riverside Campground are scheduled.

Saturday, May 23, the Montgomery Lion’s Club Auction at Montgomery Borough Park will take place.

If you are a Montgomery graduate of a year ending in 4 or 9, please contact Leona Dewalt at 570-547-6086 for more info about the 104th Alumni Banquet that will be held Saturday, June 13.

Please drop off donations of used movie CDs and DVDs at the Montgomery Area Public Library check-out desk.

Best wishes go out to our two student representatives from Montgomery High School, Katee Glass and Kirstie Knaur, as they travel to Hershey this weekend to attend the 2009 Pennsylvania FBLA State Leadership Conference with their chapter adviser, Betty Marr.

Also, my thoughts are with a friend who will be seeking new opportunities this week; may your journey be fruitful, C.

Just One More Thing

by Kathi Blaker

The name Mike’s Esso may not mean anything tif you have lived in Muncy for less then 30 years, but for those of us that are old enough to remember, Mike’s was the place that we received the original tiger in our tanks.

Michael Aldish retired in 1982 and left our community for the warmer climates of Virginia, but as the saying goes, he was gone but not forgotten.

His service station was one of the hubs of this community for many years.

High school boys and family men alike knew that Mike Aldish was an honest man and a good employer. umping gas and washing windshields helped many families make ends meet and I would imagine help many young men finally afford their very first car.

If you were ever a member of Esso’s gift of the month club, chances are it was because you were a regular customer of Mike’s. Somewhere in my priceless collection of stuff I have a set of plastic coasters that were a gift from Esso.

Businesses will come and go in any town, but in small towns like ours, their absence is felt for much longer. The memories of kind proprietors that gave more to their community then they ever got in return will long be remembered fondly. Mike Aldish was that kind of man. Muncy continues to be a wonderful place to live and raise a family because Mike Aldish and people like him cared enough to live and work here and were committed to a small town way of life.

His recent passing saddened many but the wonderful memories of a magnificent man that once called Muncy home will put a smile on the faces of those that remember him so well.