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Hughesville Local Events

By Staff | May 12, 2009

Can you believe there are only three and a half weeks of school left in the school year! Through the January and February doldrums, the year seemed endless, but now that spring is finally here the last days of classes are swiftly approaching. One sure way to recognize the end of the school year is the arrival of the annual Hughesville Volunteer Fire Department’s Carnival. Yes, it’s time to start dreaming and anticipating about black and white milkshakes, carnie games that cost $2.00 to play and the infamous cake wheel. The carnival will run June 1-6. The pet parade, my favorite parade of the year, will be held Monday, June 2 at 7 p.m. The antique car parade will be Wednesday, June 3 at 6 pm. and the fireman’s parade will be held Saturday, June 6 at 7 p.m.

This is the 15th year for the Mick Myers Invitational Golf Tournament. The event will be held Friday, May 22 at the Mill Race Golf Course in Benton. The event is held every year in honor of Mick Myers in order to raise money for the multiple sclerosis society. Any donations are appreciated and can be made by calling Pauline Freezer at 584-2101.

This year’s Hughesville Alumni Banquet will be held on Saturday, May 23, 2009, beginning at 6:30 p.m. at the Hughesville Fire Hall. All HHS graduates are invited to attend. Those who graduated in years ending in “4” or “9” will be honored. Reservations must be made before May 15. The cost is $11.00 and reservations may be made by calling 584-3452, 584-2771 or 458-5397.

On a personal note, my ears are still ringing three days after the fact. Last Friday evening my husband, my son and I went to see Bruce Springsteen and the E Street Band at the Bryce Jordan Center. We have been fans for years and let me tell you something; that man will be 60 years old in September and he can still rock the joint. He played for three hours straight and his energy was endless. He is still a phenomenal performer and he is definitely still “The Boss”!

Happy Birthday wishes go out to the following: A belated happy birthday wish to Drew Steele, who celebrated his birthday on May 5.

Pastor Pete Bergstresser, Maurice Rovenolt, Kim Mecone, Pauline Nickles, Marcie Shaner, Luke Youmans and Wanda Groom May 13; Alice (Confer) DeWire, Nathan Snyder, Nathaniel Snyder and Pete Wolf May 14; Pat (Herrlich) Smith May 15; Tammy Pulsifer and Addison Strausser May 16; John Gottschall, Stephanie Feldser, Bev Lowe and Kimberly Kast May 17; Joyce Long and Me! May 18; Harry “Hal” Rogers, Becky Arbogast and Darryl Ryder May 19.

Happy Anniversary to: Kane & Laura Snyder May 13; Charlie & Julie Zook May 16, Tom & Debbie Fry May 17; Tony & Amy (Dresbach) Martinelli May 18; Linda & James Bower, Lester & Judy Snyder May 19.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.