Hughesville Locals
October 12, 2009
Fun Fact for the week: Before he became a fast-food titan, the founder of the Taco Bell chain operated a hot dog stand.
Pet Peeve for the week: Censorship
The Hughesville Spartans had a rough time in the rain at last week’s game. Danville defeated the Spartans with a score of 7-0. This week’s game is away at North Penn. By the way, what ever happened to pep buses for away games??
Congratulations to our new Homecoming Queen, Amanda Elliott and Princess Paige Fortin. At least the rain held off until after the lovely ladies were crowned.
Huntersville area senior citizens will meet on Wednesday, October 14 at 6 p.m. at the Huntersville United Methodist Church for a tureen dinner with a meeting to follow. Please bring table service and a dish to share.
TOPS take off pounds sensibly meets at the Friends Church in Hughesville every Tuesday from 6-7:30 p.m. Call 435-2902 or 584-4530.
On Sunday, October 18, the youth at Trinity Lutheran Church in Hughesville at the corners of Academy and Main streets will be hosting a spaghetti dinner for the congregation and community beginning at 12 noon. The meal will consist of spaghetti and meatballs, tossed salad, garlic bread, beverage and dessert. A free-will offering is appreciated.
The women of Trinity Lutheran Church are also taking orders for homemade Shoo Fly Pies. Orders may be called into the church office at 584-3490 and must be placed by Thursday, October 22. The price is 7″- $6.00 and 9″- $8.00.
The Greater Hughesville Business Association will once again be sponsoring the annual Halloween Parade on Saturday, October 31. The parade forms at the high school parking lot at 5 p.m. and moves at 5:30 p.m., ending at the firehall. Anyone wishing to enter a float or walk in the parade is welcome. Trick or Treating will take place that evening from 6-8 p.m. in the borough.
Open library at Carl G. Renn Elementary School in Lairdsville every Thursday evening from 6-7 p.m.
Happy Birthday wishes to: Debra Miller, Keagan Smith, Jim Temple and Robert Vanhorn Oct. 14; Clair Persun and Louise “Stossie” Sheehan Oct. 15; John Ritter and Susan Harding Oct 16; Greg Edkin, Kathy Stauffer, Judy Houseknecht, Jason Little and Larry Martin Oct. 17; Megan Lowe, Debbie Whitmoyer, Phil Zeisloft and Cain Lamper Oct. 18; Donna Shaner, Shania Blower and Harvey Stauffer Oct. 19; Jim Nearhoof Oct. 20.
Happy Anniversary to: Adam & Rebecca Sheets Oct. 14; Barry & Nancy (Starr) Hodge, Emerson & Elizabeth Knyrim and Harvey & Kathy Stauffer Oct. 18; Dale & Kim Ovelman Oct. 19; Michael & Becky (Waltman) Fought Oct. 20.
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.