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Hughesville Locals

By Staff | Oct 20, 2009

Fun fact for the week: You burn more calories sleeping than you do watching TV. This is just one more reason for me to take a nap on Sunday afternoon!

Pet Peeve for the week: None; I went to see Springsteen again last week and am still flying high from the concert, so nothing is “peeving” me for the week.

Once again, congratulations to the Hughesville Spartans for their win over North Penn last Friday night. Even cold temperatures didn’t deter the Spartans’ victory. This week’s game is at home against Bloomsburg, beginning at 7 p.m.

The women of Trinity Lutheran Church in Hughesville are taking orders for homemade Shoo Fly Pies. Orders may be placed by calling Cindy Bower at 584-4779 or the church office at 584-3490 and must be placed by Thursday, October 22. The price is 7″- $6.00 and 9″- $8.00.

Hughesville Boy Scout Troop 26 is having their annual popcorn fundraiser. Anyone wishing to order popcorn please contact Scoutmaster Stuart Wolfe at 584-5801.

The Greater Hughesville Business Association will once again be sponsoring the annual Halloween Parade on Saturday, October 31. The parade forms at the high school parking lot at 5 p.m. and moves at 5:30 p.m., ending at the firehall. Anyone wishing to enter a float or walk in the parade is welcome. Trick or Treating will take place that evening from 6-8 p.m. in the borough.

Pennsylvania’s snowmobile safety course will be taught on Saturday, October 24 from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Best Line Equipment, Pennsdale. To register fro the course, contact Best Line Equipment, Ila or Merissa at 546-8422.

Happy Birthday wishes to: Mary Kepner and Joan Ayers Oct. 21; Jay Nickles, Charlotte Weaver and Donald Burgett Oct. 22; James Bower, Jr., Theresa Guthrie, Bill Guthrie, Kyle Nolte and Lori Wolf Oct. 23; Kendra Aunkst, Beverly Frantz, Jaxton Frantz, Ilene Wagner, Mary Ann Shaner, Autumn Barto and George Kapp Oct. 24; Megan Shaner and Gable Strickland Oct 25; Wayne Rider and Laurie Houseknecht Oct. 26; Mike Rogers, Brenda McCowan and Elaine Stugart Oct. 27.

Happy Anniversary to: Gregory & Colleen Davidson Oct. 21; Rusty & Stephanie (Bressler) Lloyd, Jim & Denise Wagner and Jim & Julie Savage Oct. 22; Myron & Lillian Smith Oct. 23; Todd & Branda McCowan Oct. 25.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.