Hughesville Locals
Hughesville column
Fun fact for the week: As of Thanksgiving Day, there are only 29 shopping days left until Christmas. Actually, that’s not a very fun fact at all!!
Pet Peeve for the week: I heard “Jingle Bell Rock” the other day and now I can’t get the tune out of my head!
Congratulations to our Hughesville Spartan Varsity Football team on a great season. Even with their loss last Friday night to Loyalsock, our boys showed professionalism and endurance. We are proud of you!
A turkey ball will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 25 beginning at 8 p.m. at the American Legion in Millville.
The Williamsport Consistory Teteque Band will present its winter concert on Sunday, Nov. 29 at the Consistory Auditorium beginning at 3 p.m. The concert is entitled “Variety is the Spice of Life”. The concert is free to the public. Donations are appreciated.
The West Branch Chorale will present its annual Christmas concert on Sunday, Nov. 29 at 3 p.m. at First United Methodist Church in Muncy and on Sunday, Dec. 6 at 3 pm. at Faith United Methodist Church in Montoursville. This year’s concert is entitled “This Christmastide” and is once again conducted by the very talented Jeanne Berninger.
You’ll feel the ground shake again on Saturday, Dec. 5 as the Eastern Lycoming YMCA will host another “Zumba Bash” from 5:30-7:00 p.m. It’s great exercise and great fun, plus it’s for a good cause! The cost is a bag of canned food or a new toy or $10 to the Strong Kids Campaign. Come on out and shake it up!
Happy Thanksgiving and safe travels to everyone! We plan to have a houseful and as is our tradition, after dinner all the cousins will look through the advertisements in the paper and decide where the best bargains are located. Good luck to all those “Black Friday” shoppers!
My father says I need to send a special shout out hello to John Montgomery in Falls Church, VA!! Hello John! I myself lived in Falls Church many, many moons ago!
Happy Birthday wishes to: Joyce Puderbaugh Nov. 25; Aaron Elser, Terry Little, Samuel Gottschall, Anita Wagner and Carey Farnsworth Nov. 26; Duane Knopp and Ann Vandine Nov. 27; David Shultz, Anne Sweeney and Jason Campbell Nov. .28; Nancy (Fought) Sullivan, Neil Yarish, Buddy Taggart, Pat Holmes, Joel Worley, Anita Watts and Ben Kapp Nov. 29; Jed Ritter, Delores Zimmerman, Sarah Treese, Rebecca Hetherington, Richard Baer and Faith Marie Soto Nov. 30.
Happy Anniversary to: Mike & Lori Wallis Nov. 22; Bob & Betty Lou Haffley and Myron & Carol Fiester Nov. 25; John & Ann Marquardt and Richard & Arlene Strausser Nov. 26; Roger & Angie Bower Nov. 27; Gene & Eileen Winder and Gene & Ruth Lupold Nov. 28.
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.