Montgomery locals
Did you know that the Repasz band was named for Daniel Repasz, who was born in Clinton Township in 1813? While Repasz became a tailor by trade, he took up the violin and, when he was 25, moved to Williamsport to teach music and dancing. Two years later, he joined the Williamsport Band, playing the keyed bugle (a cross between a trumpet and a clarinet). Repasz became the band’s director in 1856 and became a major force behind the band’s emergence as a prestigious brass band. In 1859, members of the band voted to rename the band in his honor. Check out for more info about Daniel Repasz, the band, and its history.
Montgomery Events
Friday, November 27, 11:30 AM to 2 PM, a public Thanksgiving Day dinner will be held at the First Evangelical Lutheran Church, 400 Main St., Watsontown. The buffet meal will feature turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, green beans, corn, applesauce, pie and beverage. Reservations recommended: 538-5300. Take-out dinners are available.
Tuesday, December 1, 2009, 12:00 noon, the Christmas program and dinner for Montgomery Area Senior Citizens will be held at the St. John Lutheran Church ( Brick Church ) on Rt. 405. Health checks will be provided by Susquehanna Home Health and Hospice Care prior to the dinner. Membership dues for the coming year will be collected. James Ritter, retired music educator of Hughesville, will provide music for the carol sing, and there are hopes that “The Chipmunks” may make a brief appearance. Reservations are required and may be made by calling Charles Duchman at 547-1160. Please bring table service. Visitors are welcome for the cost of the meal.
Sunday, December 6, beginning at 4 PM, there will be a baked steak dinner held at the Watsontown United Methodist Church, 11 E. Third St. For further information, contact the church office at 538-1017.
Wednesday, December 9, 5:30 to 6:30 PM, residents in the Montgomery Area School District are invited to receive donations at the “Footprints of Montgomery” food pantry at the Christ Lutheran Church.
Saturday, December 12, Open House (3 to 6 PM) and Candlelight Service (begins at 6:00 PM) at the Stone Church. Pastor Michael Hill from the Elimsport United Methodist Church Parish and Gunther Bernhardt from Christ Lutheran Church in Montgomery will be leading the service. A community choir will be featured. The Stone Church is located on the grounds of the Allenwood Federal Prison Camp behind White Deer Golf Course off Route 15, south of Williamsport. Please enter through the gates near the golf course. Donations of canned food are welcome and will be distributed to a local food pantry.
Saturday, December 12, 2 to 3 PM, the New Covenant Assembly of God is sponsoring a Christmas Party at the Church’s gym. Everyone in the Community of Montgomery is invited to come. There will be games for kids, crafts, music, refreshments, a special visit from Santa and free gift bags for all the kids. For more information, please call 547-1503.
Wednesday, December 30, all day, there will be a bloodmobile at the Clinton Township Fire Hall. For more info, call 547-1000.
Wednesday, January 13, the St. John Lutheran (Brick) Church will hold a Ham and Chicken Potpie Dinner. Watch for more details to come.
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 7 PM, Mr. John J. Eastlake, a local historian from South Williamsport will be presenting a look at the history of the CCC (Civilian Conservation Corps) Camps at the January meeting of the Montgomery Area Historical Society at the Borough Hall, Main Street, Montgomery.
Every Tuesday evening at 6:30, stop by the Montgomery Library for storytime.