Hughesville Locals
Fun Fact for the week: There are 1.9 billion Christmas cards sent to friends and loved ones every year, making Christmas the largest card-sending occasion in the United States. The second largest is Valentine’s Day with approximately 192 million cards being given. I guess I better start addressing those envelopes!!
Pet Peeve for the week: People who make themselves feel important by humiliating others.
Kudos to the East Lycoming Historical Society for their presentation of “Holiday Shopping at Levine’s”. The singing and skits were enjoyed by a group of over 70 people. Familiar names throughout the presentation brought smiles to the faces of many.
Hughesville events
Hughesville Senior Citizens will meet at the Hughesville Baptist Church on Dec. 11 at noon for a special Christmas meal. No tableware needed. Entertainment will be Tom Wetzel. The meeting will follow.
The youth group of Trinity Lutheran Church in Hughesville is selling plates of Christmas cookies. The cost is $6.00 per plate or 2 plates for $10.00. The cookies will be available after the church service on Sunday, December 20, 2009 at Trinity Lutheran Church the corners of Main and Academy Streets in Hughesville. The funds raised will be used to help a less fortunate family in the area purchase Christmas presents. Anyone interested in ordering cookies can contact the church office at 584-3490.
On December 11 & 12 at 7 p.m., the North Mountain community and Christ United Methodist Church will present its 5th musical Christmas production “Breath of Heaven” with live animals and more than 65 actors in a realistic background setting. This event will be held in the Village of Central at North Mountain Fire Company grounds, Benton, PA.
Congratulations to Kourtney Anderson and Kimberly Hess who have been named members of the Lycoming College Tour Choir. The Tour Choir consists of about 40 students who are selected by audition each November.
Congratulations to my other son, Jake Fry who shot a 9-point buck!
I’ve missed many birthdays this month so I need to catch up! Happy birthday wishes go out to: Addyson Holmes, Jeanne (Odell) Strayer and Kendra Earnest Dec. 1; Jeanne (Confer) McGregor, Pat (Reese) McKee, Ryan Vandine and Chad Snyder Dec. 2; Nancy Price, Renae Younger and Gloria McCollin Dec. 3; Berny Hileman, Clyde Ludwig, Wesley Shultz and Grace Walkup Dec. 4; Frances Sherwood, Carol Fishel and Austin Long Dec. 5; David Hitesman, Beth Myers, Harland Shaner, Arissa Summel, Stanley Houseknecht, Susan Teisher, Denise Wagner, Eddie Ellis and Edward Swisher Dec. 6; Emilie (Barto) Kuntz, Marissa Taylor, Thelma Ryder and Rick Sones Dec. 7; John Myers, Jean Booth, Greg Girven Dec. 8; A very happy birthday to my father James R. Ritter and to Pam Aunkst and Vernon Temple Dec. 9; Wyatt Gardner Dec. 10; Greg Gerney, Kate Michael, Kenneth Statts, Tristan Mecone, Jane Opp and John VanBuskirk, Sr. Dec. 11; Mark Egly, Greg Taggart, Jeff Ryder, Dwight Herr and Riley Dunkleberger Dec. 12; Ann Marquardt, Jim Babb, Mary Lee Ryder and Nolan Ovelman Dec. 13; Chris Secules, Jessica Hawley, Phyllis Snyder and Dawson Temple Dec. 14; Gregory Davidson, Jason Walter, Joshua Temple, Adison Sampson, Tom Spring, Ann Parr and Alexis Robbins Dec. 15.
Happy Anniversary to: James & Ashkei Bower, Dick & Judy Sanders and Glen & Eldora Davis Dec. 1; Ronnie & Debbie (Johnson) Dirk Dec. 2; Rick & Danette Sones Dec. 5; Rick & Pat (Herrlich) Smith Dec. 12; Daniel & Sherry Holmes, Gary & Trudy Temple Dec. 13.
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.