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Hughesville Locals

By Staff | Dec 22, 2009

Fun Fact for the week: The 12 days of Christmas are the festivities that begin on Christmas Day. This period of time is also known as Christmastide. So if you haven’t gone out to purchase your partridge for your pear tree, you still have time. If you can’t find a partridge, just put a picture of David Cassidy in the tree.

Pet Peeve for the week: Actually wrapping all the gifts. Next year I’ll start in July.

I guess we just missed one of the biggest storms of the year. My cousin in Warminster said they have 23 inches of snow on the ground. My thanks to Pete Schweaty and his treats from “Season’s Greetings”.

There are many Christmas services this week throughout the community. Take advantage of them and take time to think about this very special time of year.

Happy Birthday wishes to the following: Beth Ann (Foresman) Smith, Cricket Nicholas and Holly Whitmoyer Dec. 23; Mike Gardner, Sean Houseknecht and Heather Getgen Dec. 24; Randi K. (DeWees) Doebler, Carol Schneider, Jane Voneida, Michael Wallis, Jesse Confer and our Lord Jesus Christ Dec. 25; Cathy (Deppen) Houseknecht, James Meador, Duane Gardner, Nanci Spring, Vivian Zeisloft, Heather Peterman and Ephraim Langdon Dec. 26; Brian Gerney, Allie Reese, Mike McCoy, Laura Copeland and Florence Neuhard Dec. 27; Kyra Fry, Ann (Barto) Milheim, Gail Shaner and Rosella Warrick Dec. 28; Traci Clementoni, Bill DeWire, John McConnell, Lois Maneval, John Steele, Lisa Brown and Joyce Herr Dec. 29; Molly Armstrong, Alysha Taggart, Pamela Rogers, Harold Rider and Debra Rosbach Dec 30.

Happy Anniversary to: Jack & Dorothy (Rider) Smith and Jim & Pat (Reese) McKee Dec. 23; Bruce & Betty Barto and H. Ray & Barbara (Levy) Spotts Dec. 24; Darcy & Nan (Wanamaker) Ryder and Greg & Laurie Houseknecht Dec. 26; Greg & Dani (Stauffer) Hackenberger Dec. 28; Tom & Carolyn “Butch” (Marcy) Swisher and Pastor Paul & Sue Fitzgerald Dec. 30.

A very Merry Christmas to all our readers! Have a safe holiday.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.