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Hughesville Locals

By Staff | Jan 13, 2010

Fun Fact for the week: Last week isolated snow flurries and sleet was reported in a few spots in Southern Florida for only the second time in recorded history and the first time since 1977. Welcome to our world!

Quote for the week: What we are is God’s gift to us. What we become is our gift to God. I’m not sure where this quote came from, but it’s on a framed cross-stitch which Jeanne Berninger made for us for a wedding shower years ago. It reminds me to try to do something worthwhile every day.

Hope everyone is sticking to their New Year’s resolutions. My resolution for this year is to try to eat healthier and exercise; and I’ll begin as soon as I finish the rest of the Christmas cookies.

Hughesville events

The 39+ Club will meet January 13 at the Hughesville Fire Hall. Lunch will be at 11:45 a.m. Please bring a dish to share for lunch. The program will be the Service Dogs (Canine Partners for Life). New members are welcome.

The Rain Forest animal show will be at the Benton High School on Friday, January 15 for two shows at 5 and 7 p.m. Tickets are available at the door.

Bethany United Methodist Church will be having a vegetable soup fundraiser on January 15. Call 584-2044 or 584-2301 with orders by January 13.

The Clarkstown United Methodist Church will be having a Homemade Chicken and Beef Pot-Pie Supper on January 16 from 4-7 p.m. Children ages 6-12 and under are free. Take-outs are available.

Members of the Picture Rocks Senior Citizens will meet at Picture Rocks United Methodist Church at 2 p.m. on January 17. Meeting, refreshments and entertainment.

The Millville Fire Company will hold a Family Style Buckwheat Cakes and Sausage Supper on February 6 from 4-7 p.m. They will also be holding a Breakfast Buffet on February 14 from 7-noon.

TOPS Take Off Pounds Sensible meets at the Friends Church in Hughesville every Tuesday from 6-7:30 p.m. Call 435-2902 or 584-4530.

The District Chorus Festival will be held on Saturday, January 30, 2010.

Happy Birthday wishes to: Eldora Davis and Howard Davis Jan. 1; Lola Smith, Teresa Moyer and Christopher Brown Jan. 2; Judy Harman Jan. 3; Jule Egly and Sara Scheffey Jan. 4; Scott “give me some more bacon” Aderhold, Jeff Bower, Kirk Gottschall, Rachel Snyder and Patty Mattson Jan. 5; Brailey Frantz, Katie Miller, Kate Stiger and Pam Fraser Jan. 6; Debbie (Johnson) Dirk, Amanda Miller, Edgar Myers, Debbie Temple, Bob Raup and Lydia Getgen Jan. 7; Amber (Babcock) Hildebrand, Jerry Racey, Adam Welch, Kaitlyn Sheets, Loretta Raup and Steve Sullivan Jan. 8; Roseanna Barto Jan. 9; Jenelle “Jenny” Hess, Nancy (Starr) Hodge, Anthony “Tony” Patts, Justin Green and Kade Temple Jan. 10; Trent Hess, Maya Poust and Donna Stackhouse Jan. 11; Diane Ellis and Judy Ryder Jan. 12; My wonderful cousin David Voneida, Shawn Dirk, Tyler Patts, Judy Snyder, Lewis Bogart, Sarah Wagner, Michael Coakley and Andrew Coakley Jan. 13; Amy Martinelli and Rancy Wagner Jan. 14; Barbara Pepper, Carrie Temple and Jacob Gray Jan. 15; John Stiger, Kandis Snyder, Bob Brown, Dale Stugart, Vivian Keller and Sharon Spring Jan. 16; Scott Armstrong, Gene Cahn, Rachel Bitler, Ralph Mecone and Pat Gotschall Jan. 17; Betty Baysore and Roger Snyder Jan. 18; Kelly (Cahn) Gresh and Danielle Swisher Jan. 19.

Happy Anniversary to: Pastor Pete & Ruth Bergstresser and John & Kate Stiger Jan. 6; Lynn & Connie Reece and Bryan & Crystal Langdon Jan. 7.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.