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Hughesville Locals

By Staff | Feb 9, 2010

Fun Fact for the week: Most dust particles in your house are made up of dead skin. Ugh.

Pet Peeve for the week: Peyton Manning throwing an interception.

How about Drew Brees leading his New Orleans Saints to a great Super Bowl victory! They are only the 9th team in history to win the Super Bowl at their Super Bowl debut. It was a great game.

Hughesville events

Bethany United Methodist Church in Hughesville will be having a raisin filled cookie sale on February 12. Call 584-2044 or 584-2301 with orders by February 10. $5.00 per dozen or $3.00 half dozen.

Huntersville Area Senior Citizens will meet on Wednesday, February 10 at 12 noon at Huntersville United Methodist Church for a tureen luncheon and meeting. Please bring table service and a dish to share. Bingo will follow. Dues are payable at this time. New members are always welcome.

The Hughesville Area Public Library will host a Valentine Craft session for children in grades K-6 on Saturday, February 13 from 1-3 p.m. Miss Lisa and her daughter Valerie will lead the group in designing something special.

Mrs. Sue Murray will present the Pre-school Story Hour on Friday, February 12 from 10:30 to 11:30 a.m. Please register your child for this event by calling 584-3762.

Millville Fire Company will be holding a Breakfast Buffet on February 14 from 7-noon.

Trinity Lutheran Church in Hughesville will be holding their annual Fasnacht Dinner on Tuesday, February 16 from 4:30-6:30 p.m. The menu is pork, hot dogs, sauerkraut, spaetzels, applesauce, rolls and donuts. Take outs are available. A good will donation is appreciated.

Don’t forget your sweetie this Sunday; it’s Valentine’s Day!!

Happy Birthday wishes to: Luke Hackenberger, Ron McGregor, Elaine Waltz, Denny Wagner, Connie Kessler, Tiffany Speece and Myron Smith Feb. 10; Erica (Sherwood) Hubler, Pam Vandine, Shirley Fry, Michelle Shaner and Lisa Corbin Feb. 11; Ronnie Dirk, Susan Frantz, Cieera Temple and Jim Savage Feb. 12; Floyd Christmas, Nancy (Sheets) DeWire, Lori Davis and Phyllis Farnsworth Feb. 13; Nathan Babcock, Guy Wagner, Keith Phillips, Brooke Whitmoyer and James Walters Feb. 14; Elicia Charles, Eric Staman Feb. 15; Ashlie Wright Feb. 16.

Happy Anniversary to: Woody and, the love of his life, Ruth (VanBuskirk) Fry Feb. 13; Dick and Dixie Welsh and Jim & Randi (DeWees) Doebler Feb. 14; Clyde & Betty (Fry) Ludwig (64 years) Feb. 15.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.