Hughesville Locals
Fun Fact for the week: History was made this week when Kathryn Bigelow became the first woman to ever win an Academy Award in the best director category. Perfect for Women’s History month.
Pet Peeve for the week: Losing an hour of sleep when we have to turn the clocks ahead on Sunday!
Congratulations to the cast and crew of “Anything Goes” for putting on a fantastic performance this past weekend. Joanne Cromley and Lorrie Staivisky once again directed a group of talented students who thoroughly entertained their audience. I forgot to mention in last week’s column that years ago Lea Ann Hawk performed the part of Reno Sweeney in this supreme musical. She was thrilled to sing those great songs back then, and we all so enjoyed hearing them again this weekend. All of the students did a wonderful job and congrats on a job well done!
Congratulations to the Hughesville Varsity Boy’s Basketball team on their District IV Class AA Championship! Next stop is the State Championship Tournament against Dunmore this Saturday in Williamsport. Good luck boys!
Hughesville events
On March 12 tune into TLC’s “What Not To Wear”. Local resident Sara (Hess) Jordan will be featured in this episode. Sara has weighed a battle against breast cancer, endured a double mastectomy and has lost 92 pounds. Her mother, Patricia Hess decided that Sara deserved a makeover and wrote into the show’s producers. Sara’s transformation will be seen on Friday’s episode. We are so proud of you Sara.
The Unityville Fire Company will hold a buffet breakfast from 7 a.m. noon on Sunday, March 14.
The 39+ Club will meet on March 10 at the Hughesville Fire Hall. Lunch will be at 11:45 a.m. Please bring a dish to share. The speaker will be from the “Y” to speak on senior citizens program. Please bring a food item to donate to the Son Light House.
Bethany United Methodist Church will be holding a Chicken Corn Soup fundraiser on March 12. Call 584-2044 or 584-2301 by March 10 to order.
Valley United Methodist Church located on Route 220 between Sonestown and Muncy Valley will be holding a Chicken ‘n Biscuit Supper on Saturday, March 13 beginning at 5 p.m. On March 17, they will be holding a soup fundraiser. Orders may be placed by calling 482-4011 or 482-2394. Orders may be picked up between 12:30-2:30 p.m. or you may “eat in” at noon.
On March 16 from 6 to 7:30 p.m. the East Lycoming Historical Society will be at Ashkar Elementary for a Learning Fair.
The Huntersville 4-H Club will be holding its first meeting of the year on Wednesday, March 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Norma Zeisloft. Contact Norma for more information at 584-3345.
On March 27 the Consolidated Sportsmen of Muncy Creek will have its annual banquet at the Hughesville Fire Hall at 6 p.m.
Happy Birthday wishes to: Denise Spotts, Wanda (Sheets) Sullivan and Barbara Snyder Mar 10; Ashlynn Barlett, Bob Haffley, Chet Ritter, Kim Gardner, Barbara Craig and Susie Temple Mar 11; Lindsay Michael, Lois Jodry, Tyler Shoup, Zarina Robbins and Jude Turi Mar 12; Karen Berger, Pam (Bender) Clementoni, Cam Myers, Megan (Hans) Yarish and Odessa Wagner Mar 13; Glenn Barto, Mitchell Hans and Nathan Hans Mar 14; Kristen Kline, Diana Gordner, Amber Herlt, Matt Martin, Ken Mincemoyer, Wilma Nevel, Jim Snyder, Mary Smith, Claudia Davison and Brenda Kline Mar 15; Shawn Ayers and Brennan Joseph Gardner Mar 16.
Happy Anniversary to: Lester & Shirley Vandine Mar 10; Vern & Rose Ann Statts and Carl & Bonnie Reece Mar 12; Wade & Terrie Corbin Mar 13; David & Kathy Taggart, Dan & Julie Brink and Charles & Florence Neuhard Mar 15.
Congratulations to Kyle and Kristin Daugherty on the birth of their baby girl, Kendall June Daugherty on Sunday, February 28. Kendall’s grandparents are Jerry and Wendy (Shaner) Daugherty and Mike and Cheryl Bower of Hughesville, and Rick Gearhart of Unityville. Welcome to the world little Kendall!
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.