Hughesville locals
Fun Fact for the week: March Madness is here! At 11 national titles, UCLA holds the record for the most NCAA Men’s Division I Basketball Championships. University of Kentucky is second, with 7 national titles, followed by Indiana University and the University of North Carolina tied with 5 national titles.
Pet Peeve for the week: Not remembering things like I use to. It must be because things aren’t that important anymore, not because I’m getting older!
Congratulations to Dr. Amy (Shaner) Rogers for being pictured on the cover of the Lycoming College Magazine. Amy is a 1992 graduate of Lycoming and has been employed by the college since 2007. She is department chair of the Education Department and is featured in an article entitled, “Molding Tomorrow’s Educators”.
Congratulations to the Hughesville Boy’s Varsity Basketball team on winning their fist round state playoff game against Dunmore! They go against Devon Prep this Wednesday in Hershey. Way to go Spartans!
Hughesville events
Valley United Methodist Church located on Route 220 between Sonestown and Muncy Valley will be holding a soup fundraiser on March 17. Orders may be placed by calling 482-4011 or 482-2394. Orders may be picked up between 12:30-2:30 p.m. or you may “eat in” at noon.
The Huntersville 4-H Club will be holding its first meeting of the year on Wednesday, March 17 at 6:30 p.m. at the home of Norma Zeisloft. Contact Norma for more information at 584-3345.
Christ United Methodist Church in Hughesville will be holding a Pork and Kraut Dinner on Saturday, March 20 from 4-7 p.m. Adults $8, children 6-12 $4 and under 7 are free.
Members of Picture Rocks Senior Citizens will meet at Picture Rocks United Methodist Church at 2 p.m. on March 21. Entertainment will be the Kleinsasser singers followed by a meeting and refreshments.
Bethany United Methodist Church in Hughesville will be holding a Ham & Bean Soup Sale on March 26. The cost is $4.00 per quart. Please place orders by March 24 by calling 584-2044 or 584-2301.
Happy St. Patrick’s Day on the 17th!
Happy Birthday wishes to: Charlotte Reese, Shirley Reese and Wayne Wagner Mar 17; Jim Myers, Gerald Houseknecht and Jonathan Gordner Mar 18; Patrina Pulsifer, Sara Ryder, George Long and Nevin White Mar 19; Luther Lozano Mar 20; Bernard Shook and Rachel Langdon Mar 21; Mason Swisher, Helen Mausteller, Roberta Fisher, Anthony Fenstermaker and Zach Lund Mar 22; Dave Waltz, Heather (Swisher) Hearn, Pastor Tom Brokaw, Preston Schweitzer, Amy Haueisen, Jesse Wagner, Sarah Ayers, Michael Ayers and Carmen Rupert Mar 23.
Happy Anniversary to: Fred & Freda Robbins and Steve & Tina Worley Mar 18; Jerry & Donna (Green) Fought Mar 19; Jim & Sara Patterson Mar 21; Dan & Missy Rogers and Carmen & Margaret Rupert Mar 22.
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.