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Montgomery locals

By Staff | Apr 13, 2010

Congratulations Montgomery Elementary school for winning second place in Division I of Odyssey of the Mind state tournament on Saturday at Williamsport High School for the entry, Column Structure. Also congratulations to the Montgomery Middle School for finishing in third place in Division I for Column Structure.

The teams will move on to the world competition at Michigan State University in East Lansing, Michigan, in May. Super job!

Montgomery Events:

St. John Lutheran “Brick” Church route 405 Montgomery will host a roast beef and filling dinner on Wednesday, April 14t, from 4:30-6 p.m. Takeouts are available by calling ahead to 547-6423. Handicapped accessible.

Thursday, April 22, 12 to 6 p.m., Red Cross Bloodmobile will be held at the Clinton Township Fire Hall.

Saturday, April 24, Brennan Kilbourn Memorial Run to benefit Camp Courage and Little Bravehearts Bereavement Camps. Sponsored by American Legion Riders Post 251, Montgomery. Chinese auction, 50/50 event with meal following the run. For more info, please email Run4Brennan@yahoo.com

Saturday, April 24, Black Hole Creek Cleanup Day (rain date, May 1) will take place in coordination with Great PA Cleanup at Riverside Campground. For more info, contact Becky at 547-6289.

Saturday, April 24, 9 to 11 a.m., a Rabies Clinic will be held in the engine bay at the Clinton Township.

Tuesday, April 27, 9 a.m. to 3 p.m., an Emergency Preparedness Carnival, hosted by the Allenwood/Lewisburg Crisis Support Team, will be held at the FCC Allenwood Training Center. Carnival will feature demonstrations, child finger-printing and photos, Life Flight helicopter, and more. Held rain or shine; located at the first building on the right after you turn into the Allenwood Federal Correctional Complex off Route 15.

Tuesday, May 4, 7 p.m., the Black Hole Creek Watershed Association will host Peter Petrokas, Ph.D., from the Clean Water Institute and Department of Biology of Lycoming College who will present “Mudpuppies and Waterdoggies,” a program about the natural history and conservation of the Eastern Hellbender Salamander. Bring your children to this meeting, which will be held at the Montgomery Borough Office, 35 South Main Street.

Saturday and Sunday, May 8 and 9, 8 a.m. til ?, Riverside Campground Yard Sale. Bring your own tables.

Saturday, May 15, all day, the Montgomery Area Historical Society will be at the Susquehanna Rover Walk and Timber Trail Ribbon Cutting Event, Citizens and Northern Bank parking lot near the Market Street Bridge. Events start at 9 a.m., ribbon cutting at 11 a.m.

Saturday, May 15, 8 a.m. to 1 p.m., Yard Sale at the St. John Lutheran (Brick) Church. Tables are available to rent. All proceeds benefit the church Vacation Bible School.

Tuesday, May 18, 7 p.m., Montgomery Area Historical Society membership meeting. Montgomery Police Chief Terry Lynn will present a look back at the history of the Montgomery Area Law Enforcement. The meeting will be held at the #1 Eagle Grange Hall, Route 15 and Blind Road, Montgomery. For more info, see www.montgomeryareahistoricalsociety.org

Saturday, May 22, 8th Annual Black Hole Creek Fishn’ Derby at creekside of Riverside Campground.