Muncy events
Muncy events
The Muncy Community Action Program (C.A.P.) is offering summer recreation to kids K-8 at the Ward L. Myers Elementary School. Kids may come Monday through Thursday from 9 to noon. There is no charge. The program is funded through the borough and the school district. Various indoor/outdoor games, crafts and activities offered facilitated by staff members. Tennis lessons also available. For additional information, go to
Singles dance held this Friday at the Geringer Social Hall from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Snacks and beverages provided with small cover charge.
The Irv Zablocky Memorial Run and Walk will be held Saturday, June 19 at 8:30 a.m. with registration at 7:30 a.m. This 3.5 mile race begins at Myers Elementary School at 8:30 a.m. and ends on Muncy Valley Hospital grounds. Trophies will be awarded to overall 1st place male and female runners. Pick up an entry form at the hospital desk. An awards ceremony will be held at 10 a.m. in conjunction with the Muncy Valley Hospital Lawn Party.
The Muncy Valley Fire Hall Chicken Bar-B-Q (delicious!!) will be held on Saturday June 19 starting at 4 p.m. Take outs are available after 2 p.m.
AARP driver safety course June 17 and 18 from 12:30 to 4:30 at the Life Center. Pre-register by calling 323-3096 Monday and Wednesday mornings.
The Church of the Resurrection will have a GAME NIGHT UNPLUGGED for youth on Friday, June 18. Back in the Dark Ages, before X-Box and Play Stations, families often passed the time by playing games that
didn’t require any electricity at all. Find out how they survived by joining for an evening filled with fun and food from 7-9pm,
Osteoporosis screening Thursday, June 24 at the Life Center at the Lycoming Mall. Call 321-3000 to schedule a time.
Wednesday, June 23 Readers Rendezvous book discussion group will meet at Borders Cafe at 7 p.m. The book for this month’s discussion is “Shameless” by Karen Robards.
Toy Story 3 playing at Ritz Theater until June 18.
Music Day Camp from June 20 to 25 at Muncy First United Methodist Church with a Sunday kick-off event at 4 p.m. and a performance Friday at 7 p.m. featuring “Under God’s Sea in 3 D” by Celeste Clydesdale. Daily schedule is from 9 to 2. Call 546-8030 to register.