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Muncy events

By Staff | Jul 13, 2010

Muncy events

Muncy Garden Club meeting July 15th 2010, at 7:30p.m. in the Parish Hall at St. James Church Main St. Muncy Pa. Program will be on Roses with Louise Fulmer a Master Gardener.

‘Grown-Ups’ will be playing this week at the Muncy Theatre

Muncy Historical Society will present its annual Quilt Show and Homes and Garden tour this weekend. For more information go to muncyhistoricalsociety.org or call 546-5917.

Tuesday, July 20 at the Life Center there will be a parent training workshop on ‘Listening to Adolescents’ starting at 6 p.m. Call 321-3000 to register.

Storytime for kids at Borders July 24 and July 31 at 2 p.m.

A singles dance will be held on Friday, July 23 at the Paul Geringer Social Hall from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m.

Free vision therapy workshop at Vision and Learning Center, Tuesday, Aug. 3 for educators and parents about vision and learning.

Women in the Outdoors program will be held August 6-7 at the North Mountain Sportsmen’s Club near Muncy Valley. The weekend is sponsored by the National Wild Turkey Federation. For more information, call 482-4364.

August 14 is the next community day at Muncy Pool.

Son Light distribution days will be July 21-22. Call 546-3585.