Hughesville Events
Fun Fact For The Week: This year marks the 100th anniversary of Boy Scouts. A crowd estimated at 80,000 was on hand for the festivities last Saturday at the National Jamboree at Fort AP Hill, Virginia.
Pet Peeve For The Week: Deadlines – seriously, don’t we have enough stress in life?!
Hughesville events
East Lycoming School District Registration for new students entering K-6 for the 2010/11 school year will take place Thursday, August 5 from 8 a.m.-2 p.m. Students entering kindergarten must be 5 years of age on or before September 1, 2010. Parents are required to bring child’s birth certificate, child’s Social Security Number, record of immunizations (shots) and proof of residency (lease/rental agreement, utility/phone bill, etc.) Please contact the Ashkar office at 584-5121 for more information.
The Hughesville Area Public Library’s summer reading program “Watery Lunch” will take place on Friday, August 6 at 12 noon for ages 4-grade 6. Bring a sandwich and the library will provide the rest; foods made up of water. Please register at 584-3762.
Adopt a Magazine it will soon be time to renew magazine subscripts for the library. They are asking patrons to sponsor a magazine for the next year. The list of titles and cost of each one will be at the desk. Sponsors will be recognized with a label on each issue for the year.
The Hughesville Garden Club Picnic will be held August 9 at 6 pm. at the Trinity Lutheran Church Social Hall in Hughesville. Bring table service and a covered dish to share.
Huntersville Area Senior Citizens will meet at Huntersville United Methodist Church on Wednesday, August 11 at 6 p.m. for a hot dog roast and meeting.
Borders Book store invites the public to Open Mic Night every Friday night in August. This is an opportunity for local musicians to perform before an audience.
Every Saturday in August Borders is hosting story time in the Kids Department at 2 p.m.
The Eagles Mere Friends of the Arts is wrapping up their outstanding season this month with The Vocal Jazz Quartet on Saturday, August 7 at 8 p.m. This group has been performing in central Pennsylvania for a number of years. Their repertoire includes many standards, blues, swing and pop.
On Thursday, August 12 at 6 p.m. Brain/Food will take place; a potluck dinner and book discussion. Saturday,
August 14 at 8 p.m. will feature Music In The Mountains. The talented students of Debby Reeder and Barbara Sonies present a classical concert showcasing their unique talents.
Finally, on Saturday, August 21 the Salsamba Latin Jazz Group will perform at 8 p.m. This is a Latin Jazz quintet plus a vocalist with a recipe for musical excitement. The performance blends the traditions of American jazz with the spicy rhythms of the Caribbean.
Belated happy birthday wishes to my two nieces, Jessie and Jamie Ritter who celebrated their special day on July 26. Happy Birthday wishes to: Lauren Freed and Amanda Pulsifer Aug. 1; Bruce Barto, Diane (Rider) Charles, Samantha Duttry, Lacy Hess Aug. 2; Reba (Shaner) Fry, Max Miller and Emily Temple Aug. 3; Ben Turi and Ryan Wodrig Aug. 4; Haley Lupold, Wayne Sager and Melanie Starner Aug. 5; Rusty Bitler, Nancy Ferrell, Lincoln Davidson, Sue Swisher, Galen Houseknecht and Charlotte Snyder Aug. 6; Hattie Sykes, Oliver Holmes and Lois Folk Aug. 7; Jack Smith, Orrel Rider, Rene Snyder and Samantha Brehm Aug. 8; Wayne Robbins Aug. 9; Liam Turnbow and Angie Murphy Aug. 10.
Belated happy anniversary wishes to: Travis & Karen Harman July 29; Floyd & Grace Christman July 30 and Michael & Renee’ (Diggan) Laychur July 31. Happy Anniversary to: Matthew & Amber (Babcock) Hildebrand and John & Susan Kapp Aug. 1; Frank & Jeanne (Odell) Strayer Aug. 5; Jim & Ginny Waugh Aug 7; John & Mary (Miller) Mincemoyer Aug. 8; Erik & Shannon (McConnell) Barlett and Leroy “Junior” & Betty Ann (Montague) Sullivan Aug. 10.
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.