Montgomery events
Montgomery Local
Have you started your Christmas shopping yet? Even though most of us haven’t even started thinking about it yet, many in our community are already planning to make the upcoming holidays a wonderful memory for some very special children.
For the past three years, Montgomery’s American Legion Riders Post 251 have adopted a local child who is ill or in need of medical treatment or special equipment. The Riders provide gifts to the child and his or her siblings as well as monetary donations to the family. To make a donation, email for more info.
Another local holiday tradition is the delivery of toys and food to area families by the Montgomery Christmas Committee with the help and support of Montgomery and Clinton Township fire companies, Montgomery Emergency Management Agency, Montgomery School District and various volunteers. For more info, contact Dennis and Nancy Gruver at 570-547-6777.
In nearby Watsontown, the Annual Christmas Program that has been operating since the 1950s provides presents to needy children in the Warrior Run School District. If you know of a family in need this Christmas or would like to make a donation, please contact the Watsontown Police Department at 570-538-2773.
Montgomery events
Saturday, September 18, 11 a.m. Annual Fall Music Festival at Four Friends Vineyard and Winery, 574 Cemetery Hill Road, Montgomery, mile off Route 15. Outdoor music all day with live performance by Royal Benson from 3 to 6 p.m.
Saturday, September 25, 11 a.m. 4th Annual Elimsport Fall Festival, Washington Township Volunteer Fire Co. ground, Elimsport. Parade starts at 11 a.m. (line-up at the Elimsport Elementary school at 10:30 a.m., with prizes awarded at the conclusion of the parade), lots of good food, kid activities, live entertainment, & vendors. For more info, call 570-560-0324.
Saturday, September 25, Annual Community “Yard Sales” held every year by residents of Watsontown. There will be venders selling food, drinks, snacks, and desserts. For more information, contact the Watsontown Borough Office at 570-538-1000.
Sunday, September 26, 4 to 6 p.m., Annual Main Street Volunteer Picnic at Montgomery Park. For more info, call Becky Fought, Regional Main Street Coordinator, at 570-447-6252.
Saturday, October 9, 2010, 2 to 5 p.m. at the Clinton Township Volunteer Fire Hall, Route 54. The Montgomery Area Historical Society and the Dean McNett family present A Tribute to the Radio Corral and Bob and Dean McNett. Featured will be performences by the McNett Country Band. Doors will open at 1:00 p.m. and seating is limited. No admission will be charged; however, donations will be accepted.