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Huughesville events

By Staff | Oct 12, 2010

The 39+ Club will meet on Wednesday, October 13 at Trinity Lutheran Church in Hughesville. There will be a lunch at 11:45 a.m. Please bring a dish to share. Games will be played after the dinner. Please bring a dollar gift for prizes. New member are welcome.

Huntersville Area Senior Citizens will meet on Wednesday, October 13 at Huntersville United Methodist Church for a tureen dinner and meeting. Please bring table service and a dish to share. Lynn Houseknecht will entertain.

The Ladies of the Eagles Mere community Church will be holding their Fall Rummage Fundraiser on Friday, October 15 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. and on Saturday, October 16 from 9 a.m. to noon.

Kedron United Methodist Church, Strawbridge, will be having their Annual Fall Homemade Days on Friday, October 15 from 9 a.m.-4 p.m. and Saturday, October 16 from 9 a.m.-1 p.m. Soup by the quart is available along with a light lunch. Vendors are welcome.

East Lycoming Historical Society sidewalk sale 9 a.m. to 2 p.m. Saturday Oct. 16 and 23rd. Gift shop and flea market items. Coffee and sweet rolls while they last at 66 S. Main Street.

The Strawberry Ridge United Church of Christ will be holding a Chicken & Waffles dinner on Saturday, October 16 from 1-6 p.m. Take outs are available.

The Tivoli United Methodist Church will be holding a soup, lunch and bake fundraiseron Saturday, October 16 from 9 a.m.-2 p.m. Ham and bean, chicken corn or vegetable soup is available by the bowl or the quart.

The 24th annual Pumpkin Festival at the Ol’ Country Barn in Benton will be held October 16 and 17 from 10 a.m.-5 p.m. There will be free hayrides, entertainment and door prizes.

The Hughesville High School Class of 1962 is having a get together on Tuesday, October 19 at 6:30 p.m. at the Skyview Restaurant (airport). RSVP by October 8 to Sandy, 584-6040, Gloria, 584-3342 or Kay 584-3782.

East Lycoming Democratic Campaign Volunteers will meet every Wednesday at 6 P.M. and every Saturday at 1:00 P.M. during the month of October, to phone-bank and canvass from the home of Dennis and Lois Sites, 346 West Cemetery Street, Hughesville. New volunteers are always welcome to join our team! For more information call 220-8149 or 584-2653.

The next meeting of the Hughesville Area Friends of the library will be November 8 at 7 p.m.

Happy Birthdaywishes to: Isaac Jordan Probst, Harold Gardner and Thomas Marye Oct. 1; Bruce Frantz, Jace Harley Gordner, Lewis Harman and Paul Phillips Oct. 2; Barbara Schultz, Travis Harman & Curtis Jodry Oct. 3; My good friend, Graci Pysher, Rebecca “Becca” Duttry and Amanda Swank Oct. 4; My “bestest beach buddy” Denise Aderhold, Diane Bubb, Nathan Elser, V. Irene Logan, Shelia Sones and David Langdon Oct. 5; Wilson Michael, Terrie Corbin and Michael Ryder Oct. 6; Ella (Fought) Martin, Emily Harris, Earl Fraley, Jr., George Burgett, Curvin Wagner, Nicole Herr, Maria Walters and Keith Moyer Oct. 7; Rich Michael, Haillie Armstrong, Jonathan Harris, Art Shaner, Jr. and the marvelous Jane Reynolds Oct. 8; Joan Swisher, Conne Reece, Kevin Vandine and Lauren Temple Oct. 9; David Aunkst, Garrett Knopp, Stephanie Young, Glenn Wagner and Beth Wright Oct. 10; Bill Sherwood, Rachel Houseknecht and Toby Wagner Oct. 11; Jonathan DeWire, Pam Feigles, Rose Ann Statts, Corder Davis, Alice Puckett, Brent Wagner, Shannon Temple and the equally marvelous Don Reynolds Oct. 12; Molly Delany, Carol Ediger, Pat Zeisloft, Aaron Long and Bell Wise Oct. 13; Debra Miller, Keagan Smith, Jim Temple and Robert Vanhorn Oct. 14; Clair Persun, and Louise “Stossie” Sheehan Oct. 15; John Ritter and Susan Harding Oct. 16; Greg Edkin, Mark VanBuskirk, Kathy Stauffer, Judy Houseknecht, Jason Little and Larry Martin Oct. 17; Megan Lowe, Wendy (Holmes) Walter, Vern Statts, Jason Lunger, Debbie Whitmoyer, Phil Zeisloft and Cain Lamper Oct. 18; Donna Shaner, Shania Bower and Harvey Stauffer Oct. 19.

Happy Anniversary to: Cloyd & Geraldine Swisher Oct. 2; Michael & Kelly (Bickhart) Worthington Oct. 4; Shawn & Elizabeth Dirk, Ralph and Florence Knopp Oct. 8; Larry & Marjorie (Wenzel) Frantz, Wayne & Linda Robbins, Glenn & Sarah Wagner and Henry & Bell Wise Oct. 10; Maurice & Tammy (Snell) Rovenolt and Ken & Janet Stackhouse Oct. 11; Michael & Susan Ryder Oct. 12; Bob & Eileen Berger Oct. 13; Adam & Rebecca Sheets Oct. 14; Larry & Zoie Smith Oct. 17; Barry & Nancy (Starr) Hodge, Emerson & Elizabeth Knyrim and Harvey & Kathy Stauffer Oct. 18; Dale & Kim Ovelman Oct. 19.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.