Muncy events
Flu shots at Meck Senior Center on 50 Fitness Drive, Muncy Thurs. Oct. 14, 9 to 11 a.m. Call 546-2542.
Patient Appreciation Days at Twin Health Center Oct. 13 & 14. Vote for your favorite chili. Complimentary services available. Call 546-5454 for more information.
True tales from Ghost Hunters at the Muncy Library on Oct. 19 at 7 p.m. The Heart of Pennsylvania Paranormal Society will share their experiences of investigating ghostly and paranormal hot spots throughout Lycoming County. Registration required by calling 546-5014 after 1 p.m.
Oct. 20 blood pressure checks at Meck Senior Center, 50 Fitness Drive, Muncy at 12;30 P.M.
Apple festival Oct. 23 at St. James Episcopal Church, S. Main St. from 4:30 to 7 p.m. with homemade apple dumplings, sandwiches and desserts.
Mammograms at Muncy Valley Hospital Oct. 23
Oct. 28 a Patsy Cline Tribute Show at the Ritz Theatre. A dinner and show with Orlando’s Restaurant starting at 6 p.m. Call 546-5555 to order tickets.
Halloween parade Main St. Saturday, Oct. 30 starting at 5:15 p.m.
Oct. 30 the Hunter’s Lake Chapter of Ducks Unlimited will hold its annual Sportsmen’s banquet a the Muncy Valley Fire Hall. For more information call Nancy Craft at 482-4364.