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Huughesville events

By Staff | Oct 20, 2010

Hughesville Senior Citizens will meet at the Hughesville Baptist Church on October 22 at noon for a tureen meal. Bring a dish to shareand tableware. Members must sign up for the catered meal in November. Entertainment will be Steven Seabridge with a meeting to follow.

Hughesville Little Spartan Wrestling Club and Cheerleading sign-ups will take place on Wednesday, October 27 from 6:30-7:30 p.m. at Ashkar Elementary School for Grades 1-6. The cost is $25 each participant or $40 per family. New wrestlers must have a copy of their birth certificate.

Trinity Lutheran Church in Hughesville will be having their annual Shoo Fly Pie Bake Sale on October 30 from noon-2:30 p.m. 8″ pies are $7.00. To order please call 584-5275 or 584-3490.

The Hughesville Halloween Parade will take place on Saturday, October 30. All walkers and floats are welcome. The parade will form at 5 p.m. at the Hughesville High School parking lot and end at the Fire Department. Cider and donuts will be served after the parade. Trick or Treat will be held from 6-8 p.m. Participants should turn on their porch lights.

The Pine Summit Methodist Church off Rte. 42 5 miles west of Millville will be holding their annual Roast Chicken Supper, family style on Saturday, October 30 from 3-7 p.m.

East Lycoming Democratic Campaign Volunteers will meet every Wednesday at 6 P.M. and every Saturday at 1:00 P.M. during the month of October, to phone-bank and canvass from the home of Dennis and Lois Sites, 346 West Cemetery Street, Hughesville. New volunteers are always welcome to join our team! For more information call 220-8149 or 584-2653.

The next meeting of the Hughesville Area Friends of the library will be November 8 at 7 p.m.