Muncy events
Thurs. Dec. 9 a presentation will be held at the Life Center on how to de-stress, not distress over the holidays. With holiday shopping and financial worries, learn valuable tips to stay jolly and bright.
Dec. 14 at the Life Center a presentation will be given on osteoporosis at 6 p.m. Everyone who attends will receive a free bone density screening between 5:30 and 8:00 p.m. Call 321-3000 to register for the program and screening.
Dec. 15 – Blood pressure checks at the Meck Senior Center at 10:30 a.m. followed by a healthy eating program at 11:45.
Dec. 16 – Town Hall Meeting on medicare solutions at the Life Center with Highmark at 1:30 p.m.
Dec. 18 free children’s movie at the Ritz Theatre. Bring a non-perishible food item for Son Light House. First showing for the movie “Prancer” will be at noon and another at 3:30.