Hughesville events
The Lairdsville Volunteer Fire company will host an all-you-can-eat Sunday Breakfast on Sunday, December 19 from 7:30 a.m. 1 p.m. There is a fee but children under 6 are free.
A Kid’s Christmas Party will be held on Wednesday, December 22 at Trout Pond park from 5:30-8:30 p.m. Admission fee and skate rental. Come and see the skating Santa! ‘A New Year’s in the Rink’ party will be held Dec. 31 from 7:30 p.m. ti 1 a.m. A New Year’s in the Dance Hall (old skating rink) will be held December 31 from 8 p.m. 12 midnight. Entertainment by country Memories.
The 28th Annual Christmas Dinner will be held at the Hughesville Volunteer Fire Company Social Hall on Christmas day from 12 noon to 3 p.m. Music will be provided by the Greenwood Valley Boys. If you would like to contribute or volunteer please call Lois Temple at 546-5687. Donations may be dropped off at the East Lycoming Shopper by December 22.
Experience the Spirit of Christmas by participating in holiday activities at the Picture Rocks Baptist Church, 50 Elm Street, Picture Rocks. Advent Bible Study on PROPHECY is held every Wednesday at 7 P.M. Everyone is welcome. Christmas Card Sunday, December 19; People “mail” cards during the weeks preceding Christmas in a colorful “mail box” in the sanctuary. The cards are hand delivered following the 9:30 a.m. worship service while everyone enjoys holiday refreshments. Come and enjoy a traditional card exchange event. Christmas
Caroling Sunday, December 19: 6:00 P.M. at Picture Rocks Baptist Church who invites all who love Christmas music to carol door-to-door in town and to enjoy the warm refreshments that will follow.
Christmas Even Candle Light Service, December 24, Friday, at 6:00 P.M.
Happy Birthday wishes to: Gregory Davidson, Joshua Temple, Adison Sampson, Tom Spring, Jason Walter, Ann Parr and Alexis Robbins Dec. 15; Mike Hess, Stephen Peterman, Justin Dobson, Ashley Ruth Fisher, Rob Mueller, Ethan Temple and my good friend and arch enemy Kylie Sherlinski Dec. 16; Michelle (Sullivan) Malinovsky, Ethan Corbin and Melanie Ediger Dec. 17; Suzie Barto, Susan L. (Deffenbaugh) Edkin, Aaron Snyder and Lamont Wallis Dec. 18; Paul McCoy, Michele Burgett and Dana Snyder Dec. 19; Nathan Eric Booth, Ralph bush, Tyler Harman, Linda Snyder and Beverly Walters Dec. 20; Dave Waltz, George Richner, Brittany Dobson, Tammy snyder, Sam Davis and Paul Ritter Dec. 21.
Happy Anniversary David & Elaine Waltz Dec. 17; Jesse & Casi Confer Dec. 18; Jim & Amy DeVore Dec. 20; Dean & Zarina Robbins Dec. 21.
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.