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By Staff | Jan 25, 2011

Thursday, Jan. 27 a free fellowship meal will be served at ST. John’s Lutheran Church, 6590 Musser Lane, between Routes 405 and 54, from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m.. The menu includes chicken and biscuits,vegetable, applesauce, jello and beverage. Everyone is welcome.

A free lunch for retirees will be served at Montoursville Presbyterian Church, 900 Elm St. at noon on Friday, Jan. 28. All retirees are welcome. Free-will donations accepted.

The Shepherd’s Community Kitchen sponsored by the Watsontown United Methodist Church, 1319 Eighth Street Drive, will hold a free home cooked lunch from 11 to 1. For further information call the church office at 538-1017.