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Hughesville events

By Staff | Mar 15, 2011

Members of the Picture Rocks Senior Citizens will meet at Picture rocks United Methodist Church at 2 p.m. on March 20. Wes Egli will entertain with a slide show of owls. A meeting and refreshments will follow.

The East Lycoming Soccer Association will be holding a Longaberger Basket Bingo on Sunday, March 20 at the Picture Rocks Fire Hall. Doors open at 11:30 a.m. and the first game begins at 1 p.m. For advanced tickets please contact 971-0112.

Bethany United Methodist Church will be holding a Ham & Bean Soup Sale on March 25. Please place orders by March 23 by calling 584-2044 or 584-4241.

A Longaberger Basket Bingo will be held at the Picture Rocks Fire Hall on Sunday, March 27. Doors will open at 11:30 a.m. and games start at 1 p.m. There will be over 2,000 baskets and prizes. Proceeds will go to the Jessica Ann Hicks Foundation.

Congratulations to the Hughesville Spartans Boys’ BasketballTeam. Once again the boys won last weekend and are well on their way in the playoff games. Good Luck this week in Shamokin!

There are many Ash Wednesday services available this week. Don’t forget it is the start of the Lenten season. There will be mid-week Lenten services all the way through Easter.

For a great get-a-way for a few hours try a trip to the “Bounce Plex” in Shamokin Dam. It’s loads of fun and I found out that jumping for ten minutes is the equivalent of running a mile! Although I didn’t jump as much as the kids, it’s a great workout!

Happy Birthday wishes to: Shawn Ayers and Brendon Gardner Mar. 16; Charlotte Reese, Shirley Reese, Donna Halterman, Charles Neuhard and Wayne Wagner Mar. 17; Jim Myers, Gerald Houseknecht and Jonathan Gordner Mar. 18; Jacob Buck, Sarah Buck, George Long, Patrina Pulsifer, Sara Ryder and Nevin White Mar. 19; Luther Lozano and Nellie Myers Mar. 20; Ethel Guisewhite, Grace Stugart and Rachel Langdon Mar. 21; Mason Swisher, Anthony Fenstermaker, Roberta Fisher and Zach Lund Mar. 22.

Happy Anniversary to: Shane & Patty McCoy Mar. 17; Steve & Tina Worley Mar. 18; Jerry & Donna (Green) Fought and Brian & Brenda Finkler Mar. 19; Jim & Sara Jane Patterson Mar. 21; Dan & Missy Rogers and Carmen & Margaret Rupert Mar. 22.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.