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Hughesville events

By Staff | Apr 12, 2011

The 39+ Club will meet at Trinity Lutheran Social Hall on Wednesday, April 13. A catered meal will be held and member dues must be paid. Please call Esther Fry to have your name on the list by April 6.

The Huntersville Area Senior citizens will meet on Wednesday, April 13 at 6 p.m. at the Huntersville United Methodist Church for a tureen dinner and meeting. Please bring a table service and a dish to share, plus a wrapped article or baked good for the White Elephant. New members are always welcome.

The Hughesville Senior Citizens will meet at the Hughesville Baptist Church on Friday, April 15 at noon for a tureen meal. Bring a dish to pass and table service. Members must get a ticket for the catered meal in May.

A soup fundraiser will be held at Tivoli United Methodist Church beginning at 9 a.m. on Saturday, April 16. A lunch will be served and baked goods will beavailable. Orders can be placed by calling 584-3238 or 584-4988.

A Breakfast Buffet will be held at the Valley United Methodist Church on Route 220 between Muncy Valley and Sonestown on Saturday, April 16 from 6-11 a.m.

An All-You-Can-Eat Spaghetti Dinner will be held on Saturday, April 16 from 4-7 p.m.at the Huntersville United Methodist Church Social Hall.

Members of the Picture Rocks Senior Citizens will meet at Picture Rocks United Methodist Church at 1 p.m. on Sunday, April 17 for an Easter Dinner. Bring a dish to pass. A meeting will follow. New members are welcome.

Moreland Baptist Church will present the Last Supper Drama on Maundy Thursday, April 21, 2011 at 7 p.m. This is the 24th year that the men of the church have presented this inspiring and creative drama.

The annual Hughesville Borough tree trimming pick up will be done the week of April 26. Place all 6″ diameter or less branches at the street curb. Leaves and grass clippings will not be picked up. No alley pick up.

Get ready for the 13th annual Greater Hughesville Business Association’s Golf Tournament. This year’s tournament will be held Wednesday, May 11 at the Mill Race Golf Course in Benton. It will be a four-person scramble beginningat 1 p.m. Four-person teams can register by calling Mike or Deb Sullivan at 584-2101 or Pauline Freezer at 584-2101.

Downtown Hughesville invites you to buy an engraved brick or paver to support the construction of the Memorial Park located on the corner of Main & Water Streets in Hughesville. A 4″x8″ brick or an 8″x8″ paver may be purchased. Discount prices are in effect until April 30. Flyers can be picked up at the borough office or at downtown merchants. For more information contact Dee at 584-2041 or Becky at 442-6252.

Happy Birthday wishes go out to: James Green, LouAnn Shoup, Mary Knopp, Dustin Fry and Marian Harman Apr. 1; Joanne (Vandine) Schumacher, Doug Spotts, Laurie (Frantz) Suarez, Yvonne Fogleman and Walter Kunz Apr. 2; Libby Armstrong, Anita Houseknecht, Jennifer McConnell, Houston Bryant, Archie Jones, Richard Sanders and Jared Whitmoyer Apr. 3; Travis Doebler, Sheila Clementoni, Sharon Gladfelter, Tami Hutson, David Taggart and Eleanor Verrico Apr. 4; Roger Duttry, Alice Jayne (Andrews) Marcey, Wanda Holliday, Loretta Bieber and Matt Roedts Apr. 5; Bill Harvey, Cloyd Swisher, Randy Swisher and Wayne Zeisloft Apr. 6; Rodney Clementoni, Dick Welsh, Chuck Lawver Apr. 7; Robin (Welker) Duttry, Beth Marcey, Natalie Freed, Dot Barto and my very good friends Mary (VanBuskirk) Albano and Ruth (Jerry) (VanBuskirk) Fry Apr. 8; Kennadee Houseknecht, Earl Fraley Sr., Jared B. Houseknecht, Carol Marie Stein and Lisa Stugart Apr. 9; Becky (Waltman) Fought, Barbara (Leavy) Spotts, Barb Corcelius, Richard Michael, McKelvey Brink and Wendy Snyder Apr. 10; Michelle (Mincemoyer) Rohrbach, Wilma Phillips, Carol Ann Stein and Tanya Strausser Apr. 11; Merle Ediger Apr. 12; Ryan Fought, Joe Foresman, Ken Mincemoyer, Chris Myers, Daniel Davis Sr., Cheree Ediger, Gloria Stackhouse, Robert Wise and my very good friend Amy (Rider) Wallis Apr. 13; Samantha Jo Fraley, David Gardner and my very good friend Janine (Kepner) Miller Apr. 14; Milissa Hammond and Joyce Peterman Apr. 15; Vicki (Shaner) Reed, Francis Getgen and Hannah Lund Apr. 16; Sherry (Dugan) Feigles, Regina (Kepner) Narber, Mary Ann Heller, our good friend Greg Houseknecht, Logan Long, Danny Phillips and Christopher Swisher Apr. 17; Brooke (Warburton) Anstadt, Monica Hill, Richard Barto, Lenny Newton, Samantha Strayer and Galen Walters Apr. 18; Gene Winter, Ariana Copeland and Edgar Whitmoyer Apr. 19.

Happy Anniversary to: Roy & Beverly Walters Apr. 1; Paul & Donna Lee Shaner Apr. 6; Donald & Dorothy Fague Apr. 11; Pat & Tammy Pulsifer Apr. 12; Jesse & Jean Houseknecht Apr. 13; Galen & Mary Lee Ryder and Denny & Brenda Wagner Apr. 14; Francis & Heather Getgen Apr. 15; Jeremy & Amanda Swank Apr. 18; Ira & Loretta Bieber Apr. 19.