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Hughesville events

By Staff | Apr 21, 2011

Wolf Run Village will be hosting an Easter Egg Hunt on Thursday, April 21 at 4 p.m. The event is open to children ages infant through ten. Bring a basket and find some eggs!

Moreland Baptist Church will present the Last Supper Drama on Maundy Thursday, April 21, 2011 at 7 p.m. This is the 24th year that the men of the church have presented this inspiring and creative drama.

The Hughesville Rotary Club will be giving away two thousand Norway Spruce seedlings on Saturday, April 23, beginning at 8 a.m. on the corner of Main and Water Streets, adjacent to the Rotary Town Clock. This event is the continuation of Earth Week activities in the area.

The annual Hughesville Borough tree trimming pick up will be done the week of April 26. Place all 6″ diameter or less branches at the street curb. Leaves and grass clippings will not be picked up. No alley pick up.

Get ready for the 13th annual Greater Hughesville Business

Association’s Golf Tournament. This year’s tournament will be heldWednesday, May 11 at the Mill Race Golf Course in Benton. It will be a four-person scramble beginningat 1 p.m. Four-person teams can register by calling Mike or Deb Sullivan at 584-2101 or Pauline Freezer at 584-2101.

Downtown Hughesville invites you to buy an engraved brick or paver to support the construction of the Memorial Park located on the corner of Main & Water Streets in Hughesville. A 4″x8″ brick or an 8″x8″ paver may be purchased. Discount prices are in effect until April 30. Flyers can be picked up at the borough office or at downtown merchants. For more information contact Dee at 584-2041 or Becky at 442-6252.

The East Lycoming Historical Society Museum in Hughesville is open Saturdays, 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Beginning June 3, Fridays will be added to the schedule for summer hours.

Remember it is Holy Week this week and there are many church services taking place. Plan on celebrating this very special time. Especially remember “Maundy Thursday” when Christ celebrated the Last Supper; or as my friend Logan Burns told me a few years ago, “Jesus had a dinner party”.

Happy Birthday wishes to: Barbara Houseknecht and Adam Sheets Apr. 20; My friend Judy Egly, Tammy (Snell) Rovenolt, Leslie Heiney, Marlyn Kepner, Kristina Kline and our own “Mimi” Nancy (DeWire) Sheets Apr. 21; Clarence “Toots” Barto, Kiera Bittenbender, Jon Kuntz, Janee’ (Shaner) Smith and Mildred Ferrell Apr. 22; Tori Barto and J. Howard Langdon Apr. 23; Ron Clementoni, Mark Gladfelter, Mike Hutson and Rebecca Smith Apr. 24; Dixie Welsh, Meagan Murray and Sandra Fulmer Apr. 25; Irvin Kepner, Bill Rogers, Jonathan Brokaw, Donald Fague, David Burgett, Gary Halterman and Beverly Rider Apr. 26.

Happy Anniversary to: Tim & Steph Hampton Apr. 20; Jason & Jennifer Mausteller Apr. 21; Walter & Anna Beitz Apr. 22; Merle & Carol Ediger, Dale & Elaine Stugart Apr. 25.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.