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Hughesville Locals

By Staff | May 5, 2011

Fun Fact For The Week: According to halife.com, May is National BBQ month, clean air month, allergy & asthma month, arthritis month, family wellness month, etc., etc., etc. Let’s hope it’s sunshine and good weather month as well!

Pet Peeve For The Week: The other week while I was driving to sunrise service on Easter morning I passed eight, count ’em, eight water trucks on the Beaver Lake Road. On Easter morning no less!!! I understand that this is a 24/7 occurrence. Sometimes it pays to be a townie!

Hughesville events:

Tri-Town Swim Team sign-ups will be held at Myers Elementary School in Muncy on Saturday, May 7 from 9:30 a.m. 12 noon. For more information call Kindra Brelsford at 546-9341 or Amy Wallis at 584-6400.

Bethany United Methodist church will be having a Sugar Cookie sale on Friday, May 6. Orders may be placed by May 4 by calling 584-2044 or 584-2301.

The Hughesville Rotary Club Pig Roast will be held on Saturday, May 7 at the Hughesville Firemen’s Social Hall beginning at 11 a.m. and running through 6 p.m. Take outs are available.

Kedron United Methodist church will hold a soup and bake sale and lunch on May 21 beginning at 9 a.m. Soups orders are appreciated by May 9 by calling 584-3778, 584-4375 or 584-2579.

Get ready for the 13th annual Greater Hughesville BusinessAssociation’s Golf Tournament. This year’s tournament will be heldWednesday, May 11 at the Mill Race Golf Course in Benton. It will be a four-person scramble beginning at 1 p.m. Four-person teams can register by calling Mike or Deb Sullivan at 584-2101 or Pauline Freezer at 584-2101.

Downtown Hughesville invites you to buy an engraved brick or paver to support the construction of the Memorial Park located on the corner of Main & Water Streets in Hughesville. A 4″x8″ brick or an 8″x8″ paver may be purchased. Discount prices are in effect until April 30. Flyers can be picked up at the borough office or at downtown merchants. For more information contact Dee at 584-2041 or Becky at 442-6252.

The East Lycoming Historical Society Museum in Hughesville is open Saturdays, 10 a.m. until 3 p.m. Beginning June 3, Fridays will be added to the schedule for summer hours.

Thanks to Gigi and David for hosting me for the royal wedding!! It was blast!

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.