Montgomery locals
One hundred and fifty years ago, many of our young men chose to join the military to fight for the cause of Liberty and Union. What was their motivation? How did they exist day to day? What did they eat and where did they sleep? Come and hear answers to these questions and more as Dave Richards, a Picture Rocks native and licensed battlefield guide at Gettysburg National Military Park for the past 25 years, presents his program on the Life of the Civil War Soldier on Tuesday, May 17. Hosted by the Montgomery Area Historical Society, the program will be held at Christ Lutheran Church, 50 E. Houston Ave., Montgomery.
Montgomery events
Saturday, May 7, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m., Yard Sale/Bake Sale (hot dogs and drinks too!) to benefit the American Cancer Society will be held at the Montgomery Park Pavilion. Donations are being accepted for clean, sellable items; please call Debbie at 772-2443.
Saturday, May 7, 9 a.m. 5th Annual Bike Derby hosted by the Watsontown Police Department and the Warrior Run Area Fire Department. Call Cpl. Wade Danley at 570-538-2773, or EMT Veronica Irvine at 570-538-5100 for more info.
Saturday, May 7, 1 p.m., TriTown Braves football game at Montgomery Borough Park
Saturday, May 7, 4 p.m., Watsontown United Methodist Church will hold a Beef & Noodles Dinner at the church 1319 Eighth Street Dr., Watsontown. Take-outs available.
Tuesday, May 10, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., Montgomery Community Closet at Christ Lutheran Church 50 East Houston Avenue, Montgomery, offers free clothing to anyone in the Montgomery School District who has a clothing need. Donations of clean clothing and shoes will also be accepted.
Tuesday, May 10, 6:30 p.m. Montgomery Borough Council Meeting at Borough Hall, Main Street, Montgomery.
Wednesday, May 11, 4:30 to 6 p.m., BBQ Chicken Dinner at the St. John Lutheran (Brick) Church on Rt. 405. Dinner will feature corn, baked beans, macaroni salad, rolls, angel food cake/toppings, and beverage. Take outs are available. Please call ahead to reserve 547-6423.
Saturday, May 14, 1 to 4 p.m., Ladies Day Out Event at the Oak Grove Community Center, 2201 Elimsport Road, near Montgomery. Vendors include Premier Designs Jewelry, Scentsy Wickless Candles, Miche Bags, Thirty-one, Party Lite and Two Sister Gourmet, Mary Kay, and Celebrating Home.
Tuesday, May 17, 7 p.m., the Montgomery Area Historical Society will host Civil War historian Dave Richards as he presents “Life of the Civil War Soldier” at Christ Lutheran Church, 50 E. Houston Ave., Montgomery.
Saturday, May 21, Black Hole Creek Fishin’ Derby.
Saturday, May 21, 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. VBS Yard Sale at the St. John Lutheran (Brick) Church on Rt. 405.
Reserve your spot now for a bus trip sponsored by the Cancer Crushers Relay for Life Team to Atlantic City on Saturday, May 21. Please call Debbie at 772-2443 for more info or to make your reservation.