Hughesville Events
Hughesville events
The Hughesville Volunteer Fire Department Carnival will be held June 6th through the 11th. Monday, June 6 the Pet Parade (my favorite!) forms at the high school at 6:30 a.m. and moves at 7 p.m.
Wednesday the Antique Car Parade forms at the fairgrounds at 6 p.m. and moves at 7 p.m. Rain date is June 9. The Firemen’s Parade takes place on Saturday and forms at the high school at 4 p.m. and moves at 5 p.m. Ride night specials are Tuesday and Thursday and there will be live entertainment every night.
On Saturday there will be a chicken BBQ at the fire hall beginning at 3 p.m.Take outs are available. Get advance ride tickets from any fireman. Can’t wait to get my black & white milkshake.
The Hughesville Garden Club will have an anniversary dinner at Butler’s on Main Street on Monday, June 13 at 6 p.m. There is no white tie or formal attire required. Good fellowship, delicious food and maybe a solo by “Georgien”
Vacation Bible School Day will take place on Wednesday, June 15 from 8:30 a.m. 3:30 p.m. at Trinity Lutheran and Christ United Methodist Churches. Children 4 years of age through 6thgrade are invited. Drop off and pick up at Christ United Methodist Church.
The East Lycoming Historical Society’s June meeting will be held on Monday, June 20. The picnic begins at 6:30 p.m. at the Hughesville Campgrounds, followed by a program at 7:30 p.m. at Fought’s Mill. Mike Harmon will speak on “Civil War Era Hand Weapons”. Bring a dish to pass and a lawn chair.
The Friends of the Hughesville Area Public Library announce this summer’s special fundraiser from the Book Room. During the months of June, July and August, patrons may fill a plastic grocery bag with paperbacks or hardback books for a small fee. Be sure to take this opportunity to stock up for summer or wintertime reading.
Hughesville Football Boosters will be hosting a breakfast at the Spartan Pub on Father’s Day, Sunday, June 19 from 1-11 a.m. Come out to have a delicious breakfast and support your Spartan Football Team!
Our sincerest sympathies go out to the family of Betty & Clyde Ludwig, two very special people. Our sympathies also go out to the family of Randi Doebler, who recently lost her mother. Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Happy Birthday wishes to: B. J. Smith June 8; Bill Frantz June 10; Joani Yagel, Thomas Figlo June 11; Sam Sampson June 12; Sadie Turnbow, Carl Newman June 13; M. Danny Egly, Emily Brokaw, Bill Hughes, Lois Lupold June 14.
Happy Anniversary to: Jeanette & Rich Orner June 8; Eli & April (Thompkins) Roberts June 10; Bill & E. Ann (Hayes) Sherwood June 11; Ed & Amy (Shaner) Rogers and my wonderful cousins David & Nancy (Walters) Voneida June 12;
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.