Montgomery events
If you have access to a computer, I recommend taking a look at the Montgomery School District’s website at “”> where you will find a couple of links that you might find interesting. The first is a short video regarding the progress of the Old Mill Corridor project and the second is an article on the Sinks in Elimsport.
Montgomery events
Saturday and Sunday, June 11 and 12, “Back to the River” Native American Powwow at Riverside Campground / Montgomery Borough Park. For more info, call570-768-4066
Sunday, June 12,11 a.m. to 3 p.m., Warrior Run-Fort Freeland Heritage Society Strawberry Festival, at Historic Warrior Run Church, near Turbotville. HYPERLINK ““”>“ \o ““ “”> Tuesday, June 14, 5:30 to 6:30 p.m., The “Montgomery Community Closet” offers free clothing to anyone in the Montgomery School District who has a clothing need. Donations of clean clothing and shoes will also be accepted during this time at the Christ Lutheran Church 50 East Houston Avenue, Montgomery.
Tuesday, June 14, 7 p.m., Montgomery Borough Council Meeting, borough hall, 35 South Main Street, Montgomery.? Saturday, June 18, American Legion Riders 4th Annual “Adopt A Child” Ride, registration 9 a.m., ride begins at 10 a.m. For more info, email
Monday through Saturday, June 20-25, Annual Fireman’s Carnival at the Montgomery Park. Please call 547-1380 for cake donations.? Tuesday, June 21, 7 p.m., Montgomery School Board Meeting.? Saturday, June 25, 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m., a forest landowner workshop titled “Caring for Your Woodland II: Making Good Decisions” will be held at the Pennsylvania College of Technology’s Earth Science Center near Montgomery. To register, go to or for more information, contact the Penn State Extension office in Centre County at 814-355-4897 or e-mail”mailto:“”>“ “”>
Sunday, July 3, 4 p.m.American Legion Pig Roast; Montgomery Borough Fireworks at dusk.
Saturday, July 9, The Wildlife for Everyone 5 Miler footrace at State Game Lands 252 near Montgomery. Refreshments, food, and door prizes provided. Benefit Wildlife for Everyone Endowment Foundation. Contact”mailto:“”>“ for more information.