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Hughesville locals

By Staff | Jul 5, 2011

A Spaghetti Dinner will be held in honor of Beth (Foresman) Smith on July 9 beginning at 4 p.m. at the Hughesville Fire Hall. Beth has been going through treatments to battle cancer. Anyone who knows Beth knows what a wonderful person she is and what a fighter she is as well. There will be live music, a 50/50 raffle and a Chinese auction. All money raised will be donated to Beth and her family.

Hughesville Fire Hall will be having a Hamburger & Hot Dog sale in support of the Lycoming County S.P.C.A. on Saturday, July 9 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m.

There are many summer happenings at the Hughesville Area Public Library. On Friday, July 8 at 10:30-11:15 a.m. there will be a Preschool Story Hour. The program will feature several stories, a song and an easy craft. Bring your child (ages 3-5) to enjoy this story time. Please sign up so that enough craft material is available.

On Saturday, July 9 at 10:30-11:30 a.m. the Hershey Zoo will bring their collection of live traveling animals. These include an owl, lizards, etc. This show is for ages 4 through Grade 6. Please sign up so we know how many to expect. Many new titles have been added to the children’s section of the Library. Plan to come early or stay late to look at the new books. For information contact 570-584-3762.

The 39+ Club will meet on Wednesday, July 13 at the Trinity Lutheran Church in Hughesville. Lunch will be around 11:45 a.m. Bring a dish to share and sign up for next month’s meeting. June Wooding Houseknecht will be the guest speaker.

Huntersville Area Senior Citizens will meet at Huntersville UM Church on Wednesday, July 13 at 6 p.m. for a tureen picnic. Members are asked to bring table service and a dish to share.

The Eagles Mere Friends of the Arts 2011 season is in full swing with many exciting events taking place throughout the summer. On Thursday, July 7, Brain/Food a potluck dinner then a talk and discussion with Eagles Mere resident Paul Kaminski on “Stealth the Story of How a Few People Can Make a Difference” will take place at the DeWire Center beginning at 6 p.m. Paul was the Under Secretary of Defense for George Bush.

On Saturday, July 9, the Philadelphia Trio will once again perform at the DeWire Center beginning at 8 p.m. It promises to be an elegant evening of beautiful chamber music with works by Haydn, Schumann and Shubert.

Sunday, July 10 promises to be an evening of pure enjoyment when the “Party Dolls” perform at the DeWire Center beginning at 8 p.m. A trio and a back-up band that perform everything from Motown to Madonna. Come and get in the groove with these divas! This promises to be an evening you don’t want to miss.

Saturday, July 16 features the After Hours Big Band. They have been entertaining music lovers across Pennsylvania and the East Coast with their exciting combination of big band styles from Benny Goodman, Glenn Miller and Les Brown to modern era sounds of Maynard Ferguson and Brian Setzer as well as arrangements of contemporary music. For more information on tickets for any of the events, or to become a member, go to their website at www.EMFOA.org or call 570-525-3192.

The Lycoming County Fair is just around the corner! There are many wonderful contests this year at the fair. Calling all bakers for the “2011 Blue Ribbon Apple Pie Baking Contest” to be held on Friday, July 15. There is also the “8thAnnual Incredible Angel Food Cake Contest” and a “Blueberry Muffin Contest”. Of course the “Hershey Cocoa Classic Contest” is once again taking place this year. Two new contests are beginning this year; show off your creativity in a “Decorated Broom Contest” and the “Homemade Winemakers Contest”. All judging will take place on Friday, July 15. For more information on entry requirements for any of the contests, obtain a Lycoming County Fair Premium Book at the fair office or contact Karen Yaw, Fair Secretary at 570-584-2196. Advance Gate Tickets are available until July 9 at Lowe’s Market, Clarkstown and Weis Store, Muncy.

Happy Birthday to: Eli Roberts, Lisa Runyan, Dorothy George, Andrea Burgett, Lois Dunner and Madison Gray July 1; William Zimmerman, Janet Barto, Marilyn Marye, Ava Snyder and Eric Whitmoyer July 2; Ed Van Horn, William Fulmer, Bobbi Ryder and Brooke Snyder July 3; Ron Knopp and Christopher Ediger July 4; Barb Brown and Terrie Minotto July 5; Dale Appleman and Jenna VanHorn July 6; Sally Bower, Tom Fry, Joan Gardner, Matthew Herr, Kane Snyder and the greatest neighbor ever, Donna (Stiger) O’Connor July 7; Relda Shaner and Wilbur Rupert July 8; Ann Rider, Mildred Saxe Abdelkader, Jason Booth, Gary Derrick and Ruth Lupold July 9; Ron Barto and Gary Houseknecht July 10; Helen Michael July 12.

Happy Anniversary to: Carl & Cindy (DeWire) Shaner, Rodney & Pamela (Bender) Clementoni and Dale & Bonnie J. Snyder July 1; James & Sherry (Dugan) Feigles, Douglas & Denise Spotts and Bob & Loretta Raup July 2; Bob & Melissa Long July 3; Ralph & Kim Mecone July 6; Duane & Kim Gardner July 8; The Amazing Matthew & Ella (Fought) – Martin July 9; My wonderful brother and sister-in-law, Rev. James & Mary (Clairmont) Ritter July 10; Bob & Carol Ann Stein and Jesse & Anita Wagner July 11; Terry & Wendy Walter July 12.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.