Pastor Edwards of Saint Andrew explains the need, "The economy has hit all of us hard and we have been in prayer as a church about what action would make the best impact on our community. God tells is how much He loves the little children."/>
Pastor Edwards of Saint Andrew explains the need, "The economy has hit all of us hard and we have been in prayer as a church about what action would make the best impact on our community. God tells is how much He loves the little children."/> Back to School Give-Away in Muncy | News, Sports, Jobs - Muncy Luminary
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Back to School Give-Away in Muncy

By Staff | Aug 9, 2011

MUNCY – Saint Andrew Lutheran Church of Muncy is hosting a “back to school” food, clothing and school supplies give-away for area families in need on Saturday, August 13th.

Pastor Edwards of Saint Andrew explains the need, “The economy has hit all of us hard and we have been in prayer as a church about what action would make the best impact on our community. God tells is how much He loves the little children. So we feel that helping area parents provide a healthy breakfast, lunch and the proper school supplies for their children to succeed is the right place to start the rebuilding process.”

Anyone who wants to pitch in and help local neighbors, Saint Andrew is currently accepting donations of new and barely used children’s clothing, new backpacks, “trapper keeper” type notebooks, folders, peanut butter, jelly, cereal, brown paper bags, “glad lock” type sandwich bags, snacks and bread.

The event starts at 8 a.m. August 13th and runs until 1p.m. Saint Andrew is located on the corner of West Penn Street and Main Street, two blocks up from the Muncy post office.