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Muncy to Host 37th Antique Show

By Staff | Aug 16, 2011

MUNCY Muncy Historical Society’s annual antique show, now in its

37th year, will be held from 5:30 to 9 p.m. Aug. 26, with an opening

night reception, and from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Aug. 27. The admission fee

with a hand stamp, is good for both days. The juried, indoor show will

be held at Geringer Social Hall, 213 N. Main St., which is an

air-conditioned facility with plenty of parking.

Diversity, along with an emphasis on national history, enables Muncy

to host a fine-quality Americana show. The show offers an impressive

range of antiques and visitors can find a selection of 19th and 20th

century American and English furniture, fine early porcelain and

glass, stoneware and pottery, quilts and vintage textiles, estate

jewelry, folk art, primitives and Americana, military memorabilia and


The society initiated an antiques show as a fund raiser to support its

preservation initiatives. Show admission proceeds will be used to help

defray costs associated with its multi-year Muncy Heritage Park and

Nature Trail project.

Bill Poulton, show manager, also is the executive director of the

Muncy Historical Society. He serves as the spokesperson and

fund-raising chairperson for many of the society’s special projects

and events.

“One of the great things about our antique’s show is that we focus on

quality and product diversity,” Poulton said. “Also, we do not

emphasize one antique over another but look to offer our guests as

much variety as possible so that our show has broad-based appeal to a

spectrum of antiques collectors, other antique dealers and the general

public,” Poulton said.

Participation in the Muncy show is by invitation only. To take part in

this juried show, dealer merchandise must conform to the antiques (at

least 100 years old) and collectibles (at least 50 years old)

guidelines. Sale of newer collectibles, craft items and reproductions

is not allowed. Each item must be labeled or ticketed with an

indication of the item’s timeframe or authenticity and the item’s

price. If an item is post-1950 but considered among collectors as rare

and/or highly desirable, the item must be labeled with the time frame

and authenticity.

Before the show opens, each booth is juried by knowledgeable antiques

professionals who screen entries for quality and compliance with the

show guidelines. Exhibitors must remove all items deemed objectionable

by the jurors and show manager.

“Because we are a juried show, our customers can feel comfortable

knowing that the jurors are hand selected because they are

particularly knowledgeable about a variety of antiques, have a

reputation of fairness and honesty and are considered by their peers

to be leaders in their profession,” Poulton said.

According to Poulton, there are a number of reasons why people should

plan to attend the show.

“Our guests have every opportunity to see all the antiques and to talk

with our dealers. Dealer booths are much larger than one normally

finds at shows of this caliber and the wide-aisled show is filled with

a variety of interesting smalls and accessories for the beginning and

experienced collector. We purposely keep the show small while offering

our guests great variety, diversity and exceptional quality,” he said.

Dealers Dave and Nancy McClellan, Boiling Springs, PA have developed

solid relationships with their customers and each year look for unique

antiques to bring to the Muncy show. This year, the McClellans are

showcasing two items, both of which are rare and unusual finds and in

wonderful condition. The Washington Four O’clock Stove, manufactured

by the S.H. Ransom Company of Albany, N.Y., is a larger version of the

regular SH Ransom Four O’clock Stove with a couple of added design

details. This solid cast iron antique heating stove is nearly three

feet tall and three feet wide. The stove features an almost identical

design motif as the SH Ransome. The centerpiece of the design is an

urn filled with flowers. Like the SH Ransome, an enchanting face is

found below the urn. In addition, an enchanting face tops both pillars

that frame the urn. The name of the stove company is located on the

heart near the ash clean-out area. Wood is loaded from a side door and

a removable cook-lid rests on top. Just like the SH Ransome, the

Washington Four O’clock Stove is lovely, lavish and can fill a room

with a luxurious warmth.

Since the historical society promotes the show as an educational

venue, dealers are attuned to spending time with their customers to

educate, explain and share information.

Poulton said it is exhilarating that the show has grown from a one-day

event at the local elementary school with limited exhibit space and no

parking into a two-day show with expanded exhibit space and free


“What makes this special for the historical society are the

relationships that have come with the show’s longevity. Our dealers

and guests have become friends and have many good things to say about

their experiences. Our dealers have told us that this is the only show

that they attend where customers stay for hours and thoroughly enjoy

themselves,” Poulton said.

Directions to the 37th Antiques Show are: I-180 to Muncy exit 13A, Rte

405 to traffic light, turn right on North Main Street, go five blocks

to Geringer Social Hall on the right, Muncy, Pa. More information and

detailed directions and a map to the air-conditioned social hall are

available on the society’s web site: www.MuncyHistoricalSociety.org,

or by calling the Muncy Historical Society at (570) 546-5917.