Montgomery locals
There’s nothing like taking a beach vacation in September to illustrate
the difference in the weather! It was 82 degrees when we left sunny
South Carolina last weekend. Twelve hours later, we arrived back in
Montgomery to a cold drizzle and 42 degrees. My advice would be to enjoy
the upcoming weekend, which is expected to be sunny with temps in the
There’s the annual Woolly Worm Festival held at Hufnagle Park in
Lewisburg this Saturday from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., the Chinese Auction and
BBQ to benefit the Oak Grove Community Center, plus the last of the
season’s yard sales.
Montgomery events:
Sunday, October 9, 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., Chinese Auction and Chicken
Bar-B-Q will be held at A-1 Wheels and Deals on Route 15, Montgomery.
Proceeds will help renovate the Oak Grove Community Center. Donations of
new, and gently used items, gift certificates, baskets, etc. are needed.
Please call 547-6462 or 916-2002.
Tuesday, October 11, 6:30 p.m., Montgomery Borough Council meeting at
the borough hall, Main Street, Montgomery.
Thursday, October 13, 1 to 6 p.m., American Red Cross Blood Drive at the
Clinton Township Fire Dept., Rt. 54, Montgomery
Tuesday, October 18, 7 p.m., Montgomery School Board Meeting at district
office building.
Sunday, October 23, 1 p.m., the Montgomery Area Historical Society will
host the McNett Country Band, who will feature a historical overview of
the Radio Corral and the McNetts through music and personal stories.
This is a free event that will be held at the Clinton Township Fire
Hall; donations will be accepted; refreshments will be available.
Friday, November 18, the Montgomery Area Public Library will celebrate
its 125th anniversary with a banquet held at the Genetti Hotel. The
guest speaker will be Professor Dennis P. McIlnay, author of The
Horseshoe Curve: Sabotage and Subversion in the Railroad City. An
auction will also be held during the event, featuring books autographed
by such authors as Janet Evanovich, Robin Cook, Douglas Preston and
Lincoln Child. Contact the Montgomery Library at 547-6212 for more