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Montgomery events

By Staff | Oct 12, 2011

Since you are reading this, you are obviously interested in what’s going

on in Montgomery and surrounding areas including Elimsport, Allenwood,

and Watsontown. It’s been four years since I started writing this

column and every week, I have been surprised with the number of

activities that are available to us locally. Some of you may already

know that I will be leaving the area soon as my husband and I are in the

process of making a permanent move to South Carolina. That will leave

the position of writer of this column vacant and I am asking that you

consider taking on this venture. You will find it rewarding and it takes

just an hour or so of your time every week. Contact Barb Barrett here at

the Luminary for more information.

Montgomery events:

Thursday, October 13, 1 to 6 p.m., American Red Cross Blood Drive at the

Clinton Township Fire Dept., Rt. 54, Montgomery

Tuesday, October 18, 7 p.m., Montgomery School Board Meeting at district

office building.

Sunday, October 23, 1 p.m., the Montgomery Area Historical Society will

host the McNett Country Band, who will feature a historical overview of

the Radio Corral and the McNetts through music and personal stories.

This is a free event that will be held at the Clinton Township Fire

Hall; donations will be accepted; refreshments will be available.

Friday, November 18, the Montgomery Area Public Library will celebrate

its 125th anniversary with a banquet held at the Genetti Hotel. The

guest speaker will be Professor Dennis P. McIlnay, author of The

Horseshoe Curve: Sabotage and Subversion in the Railroad City. An

auction will also be held during the event, featuring books autographed

by such authors as Janet Evanovich, Robin Cook, Douglas Preston and

Lincoln Child. Contact the Montgomery Library at 547-6212 for more
