Montgomery locals
Montgomery events:
Wednesday, Oct. 26, 6:30 p.m., Montgomery 125th Anniversary Celebration Planning Committee will meet at the borough hall, Main Street, Montgomery. Public is welcome to attend.
Thursday, Oct. 27, 4:30 – 6:30 p.m., a free fellowship meal will be served at St. John’s Lutheran Church, 6590 Musser Lane, Watsontown. On the menu: meatloaf, macaroni and cheese, stewed tomatoes, salad, dessert and beverage.
Friday, October 28, 7 p.m., hayride and haunted trail at Faith Chapel Church, 2125 White Deer Pike, White Deer. 538-2172 or 538-3207.
Saturday, October 29, 7 p.m., a Family Fall Festival will be held at the Delaware Run Wesleyan Church in Watsontown. There will be food, hayride, pumpkin decorating, bobbing for apples, and games and activities for all ages. Cost for the evening is a canned food item for the Salvation Army Food Bank.
Monday, October 31, 6:30 – 8 p.m., a “Night of Light” will be held at New Covenant Assembly of God, 1270 Pinchtown Road, Montgomery. There will be inflatables, games, music, food, candy, prizes and more. There is no charge. Call 547-1503 or visit for more information.
Monday, October 31, 6 – 8 p.m. Montgomery Trick-or-Treating; Parade starts at 6 p.m. Floats form at Weis Parking Lot. Walkers form at the corner of North Main and Penn Street.
Tuesday, November 1, 12:00 noon, the Montgomery Area Senior Citizens will meet for a tureen dinner at St. John Lutheran (Brick) Church. Please bring table service and a dish to share. Health checks will not be given, however flu shots will be available for those who want them. Remember to bring your insurance card. Dues for 2012 may be paid at this meeting. Winnie Schivelkart will entertain with a musical program following the business meeting. Guests are welcome.
Sunday, November 6, Daylight Savings Time ends.
Tuesday, November 8, 6:30 p.m., Montgomery Borough Council Meeting at the borough hall, Main Street, Montgomery.