Muncy locals
Muncy events
Oct. 27 to 29 – Pennsdale Haunted Barn starting at 6 p.m. at the Pennsdale Volunteer Fire Company.
Oct. 27 Spook tacular family story time at Muncy Library starting at 6:30 p.m. for all ages. No registration required. Cobwebs and treats will be provided.
The Susquehanna Valley Quilt Guild will hold next meeting on Thursday, October 27th at Pennsdale United Methodist Church at 7 PM. The program will feature Janie Wallace who is currently offering custom painted Barn Quilts that can be hung at your location. For more info go to or call 570-547-1940.
Last Friday event Oct. 28 Get ready for Halloween on Main Street from 4 to 7 p.m. with a pie judging contest, pumpkin decorating, free popcorn and view 3 new streetscape designs.
Fri. Oct. 28 Things That Go Bump In the Night – a free program at Montour Preserve from 7 to 8:30 p.m. Take a walk in the dark to discuss the origin of Halloween and explore bats, spiders, black cats, owls, and other hair-raising creatures. A few tales will be shared along the way.
Oct. 29 free community yard sale at Evangelical Free Fellowship, 628 Penn St.,Muncy from 9 to 1.
Halloween Mask Making Sat. Oct. 29, Sat. morning at the Muncy Library from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. Registration required by calling 546-5014. All materials provided.
Oct. 31 Halloween party at Meck Senior Center. Serving pizza, cider and doughnuts.
* Nov. 3 Learn to dentify trees by twig and bark at RB Winter State Park in Mifflinburg. 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Bring a lunch and drink.
Nov. 4 and 5 artists’ Exhibition and sale at Clarkstown Fire Company. Sponsored by the Muncy Historical Society. Reception Friday 5:30 to 9 p.m. Come meet the artists. Sat. 11 to 3.
Nov. 4 is blue and white night for teens and tweens at the Muncy Library from 4 to 5 p.m. Make streamer head bands and posters, paint your face and nails. Snacks too. Register by calling 546-5014.
Soup sale Nov. 5 at Tivoli United Methodist Church. Lunch and baked goods will be for sale. Ham and bean soup kettles will be fired up outside. Also serving chicken corn and vegetable beef by the bowl or quart.
Sunday, Nov. 6 at Lycoming Mall American Red Cross blood drive from 11 to 4.