Hughesville locals
Fun Fact For The Week: This Friday is Veterans Day. The purpose of Veterans Day and Memorial Day is often confused. Memorial Day is for honoring military personnel who died in service for their country. Veterans Day is for thanking all men and women who have served honorably in the military during times of war and peace.
Pet Peeve For The Week: Don’t worry Woody; the AARP information keeps coming in the mail whether you want it or not!
Congratulations to the Hughesville Spartan Varsity Football team on the victory over Muncy last week. Their win captured the HAC-III championship for the team and they are now Eastern Conference playoff bound! Good luck boys; we are very proud of you!
Don’t forget this Friday, November 11, is Veterans Day. Many state and federal businesses will be closed. Remember to take time and thank a veteran for your rights and freedom.
Hughesville events:
Hughesville Borough residents can start taking their leaves between the curb and the sidewalk starting November 1, 2011. Pick-up will be between the hours of 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday through Friday. Crews will not pick up brush and there will be no alley pick-ups.
The Huntersville Area Senior Citizens will meet on Wednesday, November 9 at 6 p.m. at the Huntersville United Methodist Church for a tureen dinner. Please bring a dish to share, table service and a nonperishable food item for the Son Light House. Reservations for the catered Christmas dinner will be taken at the meeting.
The 39+ Club will meet on November 9 at the Trinity Lutheran Social Hall. Please bring a dish to share. Lunch will be around 11:45 a.m. Mr. Robert Websterwill be the guest speaker. He will be speaking on the fifties. New members are always welcome.
A Do-It-Yourself workshop will be held at “Not Just A Bean”, Main Street in Hughesville on November 12, 25 and 26 from noon to 3 p.m. A list of supplies and materials will be provided upon registration by calling Chelsea at 818-593-9110. Learn how to make an I-Phone case, a book wreath or a laptop cozy.
The Friends of the Hughesville Area Public Library will hold their monthly meeting on Monday, November 14 in the library’s community room at 7 p.m. The agenda will include developing plans for decorating the library for Christmas. Anyone interested in helping is welcome to attend.
The Hughesville Volunteer Fire Department will hold its 2011 Turkey Raffle on Friday, November 18. Doors open at 6:30 p.m. There will be door prizes, 50/50 drawing, Chinese raffle and much more. Help support your local Fire Department.
The Hughesville Garden Club will meet on Monday, November 1 at 7 p.m. in the Trinity Lutheran Church Social Hall.
The Glen Sharrow American Legion Post 35 Ladies Auxiliary monthly meetings are held at 7 p.m. at the 1st floor meeting room the 2ndMonday of every month, Main Street, Hughesville. All members and prospective members are welcome.
A 90th Birthday Open House celebration will be held for Mae Keiser at the Hughesville Methodist Church on November 13 from 2-4 p.m.
An All-You-Can-Eat Breakfast Buffet will be held on Sunday, November 13 at the Picture Rocks Volunteer Fire Company from 7 a.m. to 1 p.m.
Happy Birthday wishes to: Brett Gordner, Sara Boudman, Edna Shaner, Kaitlin Snyder, Lori Staman Nov 1; KristieWalters, Sue Weaver, Chris Holmes, Harriet Watts, Joel Langdon and Fred Robbins Nov. 2; Sharon Machamer and Abby Swisher Nov. 3; Mark Sones, Hannah Staman, Jason Baer, Pam Troxel and Shirley Vandine Nov. 4; Joseph Brown, Jamie Fry, Rodger Lupold, Janet Baylor, Ken Edwards, Zachary Kline, Ron Rider and my other husband (it’s a biggie for him!) Woodrow (Woody) Fry Nov. 5; Jakob Charles, Jerry Fought, Mary Charles, Skylar Corbin, Bradley Golder, Luke Temple and Jenny Walters Nov. 6; Steve Seabridge, Jim Wertman, Sr., Deanna Crawford, Karen Jodry, Aaron Martin and Tammy Swisher Nov. 7; Dennis Newman Nov. 8; LaRue Harding, Luke Siperko Nov. 9; Shirley Applegate, Larry Rupert, Beverly Rupertand Emily Ann Sweeney Nov. 10; Mae Keiser, Kevin Arbogast, Taylor Davis, Betsy Temple and my good friend Sarah Pysher Nov. 11; Donna Russell, Sylvia Green, Ralph Lowe, Lucretia Pacewicz and Stephanie Rigby Nov. 12; Nancy Boyer, Kim Rogers, Jeremy Fry, Francis Johnson and Autumn Temple Nov. 13; Elwood Guisewhite, George Montgomery, Carl Shaner, Tom Crawley, Ed Frantz, Tom Price, Donald Folk, Samantha Robbins and Brenda Wagner Nov. 14; Clara May, Rev. David Fishel, Jean Houseknecht, Little Bea and my beautiful great-niece, Elise Nov. 15.
Happy Anniversary to: Bill & Theresa Guthrie Nov. 1; Clarence “Toots” & Arlene Barto Nov. 3; Gary & Patty Derrick Nov. 4; Jason & Stacia (Fry) Gardner Nov. 5; John & Linda Snyder, Dale & Donna Stackhouse and Carl & Tiffany Moser Nov. 8; Ray & Lori Snyder Nov. 9; Kenneth & Jodie (Shaw) Burkholder and Phil & Wendy Snyder Nov. 10;
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.