The program will open with an Edgar Allen Poe poem set to music by Lon Beery entitled The Bells."/>
The program will open with an Edgar Allen Poe poem set to music by Lon Beery entitled The Bells."/> Muncy School District announces holiday choral concerts | News, Sports, Jobs - Muncy Luminary
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Muncy School District announces holiday choral concerts

By Staff | Nov 29, 2011

The Vocal Music Department of the Muncy School District proudly announces the “Holiday Choral Concert” schedule. The Muncy Junior-Senior High Chorus will present their annual “Holiday Concert” on Tuesday evening, Dec. 6 at 7 p.m. in the Muncy High School Auditorium. Should inclement weather cause an early dismissal or cancellation of school that day, the concert will be held the following day at the same time.

The program will open with an Edgar Allen Poe poem set to music by Lon Beery entitled The Bells. Other choral selections for the program will include the Bidi Bom by Eddleman, Now and Forever Christmas by Strommen, A Very, Very Merry, Merry Christmas by Lawrence and Jamaican Noel arranged by Emerson. The concert will conclude with the singing of We Wish You a Merry Christmas and The Muncy High School Alma Mater.

The Myers Elementary School Choruses will present their annual “Holiday Concert” on Tuesday evening, Dec. 13 at 7 p.m. in the Muncy High School Auditorium. The groups performing will be the Sixth Grade Chorus, Fifth Grade Chorus, Fourth Grade Chorus and the Myers Honors Chorus. Should inclement weather cause an early dismissal or cancellation of school that day, the concert will be held the following day at the same time.

Selections for the program will include the Fourth Grade Chorus singing the Old Welsh Carol, Deck the Halls, the popular holiday favorite Rudolph the Red-Nosed Reindeer by Marks. The Fifth Grade Chorus will sing Winter Holiday by Bacak and The Reindeer Hop by Lawerence. A Perry and Perry selection entitled Candy Cane Christmas and Parade of the Wooden Soldiers arranged by Leavitt will be sung by the Sixth Grade Chorus. The Myers Honors Chorus will sing He is Born arranged by Artman and Christmas Day is On It’s Way by Gray. The concert will conclude with the Fourth, Fifth and Sixth Grade Choruses coming together to sing Silent Night and We Wish You a Merry Christmas.

The Muncy Junior-Senior High Chorus and the Myers Elementary Choruses are under the direction of Mr. George A. Henry. Mrs. Lucille Buck is the accompanist for the choruses. The public is cordially invited to attend these concerts.