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Hughesville locals

By Staff | Dec 13, 2011

The Luminary and East Lycoming Shopper are collecting Toys For Tots. New, unwrapped toys can be dropped off at the office by December 17.

Hughesville events:

The 39+ club will meet on December 14 at Trinity Lutheran Church for a catered meal. Please bring cookies for the cookie exchange. There will also be a book exchange and the Rev. Jim Bramer will be there for the Christmas program.

The Huntersville Area Senior Citizens will meet on Wednesday, December 14 at 5:30 p.m. at the Huntersville United Methodist Church for a catered Christmas dinner. The Schlappis will entertain.

The Picture Rocks Baptist Church invites you to “Grow into Christmas”.Pastor Ron Turner explains that “the Spirit of Christmas in your heart and understanding isn’t triggered by the first snowfall, or brilliant light displays, or even the pleasant flow of colorful cards.It happens gradually as we seek to grow in our grasp of the real meaning of December 25th.”The steps of “Christmas Growth” offered this year by the church begin with the lighting of the Advent Candles during 9:30 A.M. worship services.”Singing about the events of Christmas is truly a growth step in our understanding and enjoyment of Christmas,”according to the Pastor.On December 17ththe public is invited to join in a stroll through Picture Rocks singing Christmas Carols.Caroling is at 6:00 p.m. with hot chocolate and refreshments following. Then, on December18th, the church will have a Christmas Card Exchange.Cards to people in the church fellowship are placed (saving postage) in a box and distributed during a social hour following worship.”The Candle Light Christmas Eve Service culminates our growth in the meaning of the birth of Christ,” according to Pastor Ron.It is at 7.P.M. December 24th.The community is invited. December 25thisChristmas Day Worship Service is 9:30 A.M.

ThePictureRocksBaptistChurchinvites the community to its New Year family game night beginning with a Watch Night Service December 31stat7:00 p.m.. Bring your favorite game and a snack to share.For more information call 570-524-7418.

Happy Birthday wishes to: My friend Addyson Holmes, Jeanne (Odell) Strayer, Gregory “Buddy” Taggart, Jr. and Kendra Earnest Dec. 1; Jeanne (Confer) McGregor, Pat (Reese) McKee, Naomi Huffman, Audrey Gable, Ryan Vandine and Chad Snyder Dec. 2; Nancy Price, Renae Younger, Jen Fowler and Gloria McCollin Dec. 3; Berny Hileman, Wesley Shultz and Grace Walkup Dec. 4; Bob Shearer, Frances Sherwood, Carol Fishel and Austin Long Dec. 5; David Hitesman, Beth Myers, Harland Shaner, Arissa Sumuel, Stanley Houseknecht, Edna Myers, Susan Teisher, Denise Wagner, Eddie Ellis and Edward Swisher Dec. 6; Emily (Barto) Kuntz, Marissa Taylor, Thelma Ryder and Rick Sones Dec. 7; John Myers, Jean Booth, Greg Girven and Louise Ritter Dec. 8; Pam Aunkst, Vernon Temple, Matt Reinard, Lois Kepner, Rev. Ted Corcelius and my Dad, Jim Ritter Happy Birthday Grandpa! Dec. 9; Wyatt Gardner Dec. 10; Greg Gerney, Kate Michael, Kenneth Statts, Tristan Mecone, Jane Opp, Dennis States, the man John “Bussy” VanBuskirk, and my good friend Karlee Wallis Dec. 11; Mark Egly, Greg Taggart, Kim Zerbe, Jeff Ryder, Dwight Herr and Riley Dunkleberger Dec. 12; Peggy Wood, Ann Marquardt, Jim Babb, Mary Lee Ryder and Nolan Ovelman Dec. 13; Chris Secules, Jessica Hawley, Phyllis Snyder and Dawson Temple Dec. 14; Richard Garnhart, Joshua Temple, Adison Sampson, Tom Spring, Jason Walter, Ann Parr and Alexis Robbins Dec. 15; Mike Hess, Jesse Bowersox, Stephen Peterman, Justin Dobson, Ashley Ruth Fisher, Rob Mueller, Bonnie Mignot, Ethan Temple and my good friend and arch enemy Kylie Sherlinski Dec. 16; Michelle (Sullivan) Malinovsky, Ethan Corbin and Melanie Ediger Dec. 17; Fred Stackhouse, Suzie Barto, Susan L. (Deffenbaugh) Edkin, , Melissa Charles, Aaron Snyder and Lamont Wallis Dec. 18; Paul McCoy, Michele Burgett and Dana Snyder Dec. 19; Steve Runyan, Nathan Eric Booth, Ralph bush, Doris Thomas, Tyler Harman, Linda Snyder and Beverly Walters Dec. 20; Dave Waltz, George Richner, Brittany Dobson, Tammy Snyder, Sam Davis, LaRue Bay, Gay Ann Gearhart and Paul Ritter Dec. 21.

Happy Anniversary to: James & Ashkei Bower, Glenn & Eldora Davis and Dick & Judy Sanders Dec. 1; Ronnie & Debbie (Johnson) Dirk Dec. 2; Rick & Danette Sones Dec. 5; Keith & Kathy Shaner Dec. 10; Rick & Pat (Herrlich) Smith Dec. 12; Daniel & Sherry Holmes and Gary & Trudy Temple Dec. 13; David & Elaine Waltz Dec. 17; Jesse & Casi Confer Dec. 18; Jim & Amy DeVore Dec. 20; Dean & Zarina Robbins Dec. 21.

Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.