Peeks of the past
109 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
Feb. 12, 1903
Married: At the home of the bride’s parents in in Paradise, Feb. 4th, Mr. Melvin Anderson and Miss Carrie Sherwood, of Moreland.
While playing show, a wig worn by Fred Lilly, aged 10 years, came in contact with a lighted candle. The frightened boy endeavored to pull the burning wig from his head and in doing so got it over his face. He was seriously burned.
Invitations are out for the marriage of Miss Millie Guyer, of this place, to Edward M. Confer, f Hughesville to take place on Feb. 18.
100 Years Ago
Feb. 15, 1912
Delos M. Bitler, of Clarkstown, is closing out his mercantile business preparatory to entering Dickinson Seminary, having service in the ministry in view.
Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Artley entertained a number of little folks at their home, in East Muncy, Saturday evening in honor of their little son John’s fourth birthday.
75 Years Ago
The Muncy Luminary
3 cents
Feb. 11, 1937
Miss Elizabeth Wilson, of Muncy, has recently made a very generous gift to the library of the Muncy-Muncy Creek Public Schools. In Memory of her aunt, Miss Mary Riddle, recently deceased, the fifty-volume set of Dr. Charles Elliott’s Harvard Classics has been given to the library.
Mr. and Mrs. Grover Secules and family spent Sunday at Muncy Valley.
Mrs.. Elmer Hartranft and Mrs. Clarence Livingston are on the sick list.
Died: Mrs. Nellie Knox Scheesley, of Muncy R. D. died early Monday afternoon following a lingering illness.
Ad: “Drink 7up For the Stomachs Sake”
50 Years Ago
The Luminary
Dec. 21, 1961
5 cents
An old-fashioned Community Sing is anticipated for Dec. 22 when everyone in the community is invited to join in the Caroling in downtown Muncy.
Miss Elizabeth Kutz entertained members of her sewing club when the group packed 17 baskets for local shut-ins. Miss Hazel Newman was assisting hostess.
Here for the holiday vacation is Miss Elva Cruse, teacher at Bristol.
Muncy Historical Society renames Bertin as president.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Dale Johnson, of Hughesville, a son, Dale Clayton, Jr., Dec. 12. Mother is the former Rose Ann Danley; Mr. and Mrs. Charles Gansell, of Picture Rocks, a son, Craig Irvin, Dec. 15. Mother former Judith Girton; Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Wise, of near Montgomery, a daughter, Linda Ann, Dec. 16. Mother former Freda Miller; Mr. and Mrs. Richard Umstead, of near Unityville, a son, George Artley, Dec. 17. Mother former Donna Sones; Mr. and Mrs. C. Lee Stackhouse, of near Unityville, a son, Frederick, Dec. 18. Mother former Donna Raup; Mr. and Mrs. L. Lee Milroy, of Millville, a daughter, Kristina Leigh, Dec. 18. Mother former Lorraine Holdren.
Deaths: Marie Phillips, 56, well-known area woman who with her husband operated Marie’s Diner at the edge of Muncy, died Friday, Dec. 15.
Dec. 28, 1961
Headlines: Activity at Rink, Pool, Ski Area-Ice skating, skiing and even swimming were in the news this week as interesting developments occurred at the elementary school.
Paul Geringer was reelected chief of the Keystone Hook and Ladder company and Walter Bieber was named president for the third successive term .
Miss Phyllis App, of Muncy, becomes Bride of Richard Urrfer, on Dec. 23.
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Newhard, of near Hughesville, a son, William Daniel, Dec. 19. Mother former Florence Ryder; Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Inman, of Hughesville, a daughter, Bonnie Sue, Dec. 21. Mother former Lucille Raney; Mr. and Mrs. William Danley, of Hughesville, a son, William LeRoy, Dec. 23. Mother former Patsy Trivelpiece; Mr. and Mrs. Howard Propst, of Montgomery, a son, Dec. 24. Mother former Norma Hill.
Miss Patricia Reese, Hughesville, Wed On Dec. 23 to James M. McKee Hughesville.
At the Ritz: Audrey Hepburn in “Breakfast at Tiffany’s”
Ad: A&P-Sliced Bacon 1 lb. 45 cents
25 years ago
No Luminary printed until Aug. 19, 1987
10 years ago
Jan. 16, 2002
35 cents
Councilman Rick Ohmneiss, Dan Palmeter and Galen Betzer take the oath of office administered by Muncy May Anthony Rizzo during Borough Council’s reorganization meeting last week.
Paul Gunn and son Ryan, of Montgomery, enjoy rides on their 1969 Arctic Cat Panther snowmobile, purchased by Paul’s father 31 years ago.
Fifth grade student of Melissa Forse at Ward L. Myers Elementary School recently created a flag for their teacher’s uncle, Gibby Sorrell of Virginia who is currently stationed on an aircraft carrier, fighting for “Enduring Freedom.”
Births: Mr. and Mrs. Wayne C. Cordrey, of Muncy, a daughter, Jan. 6, 2002. The mother is the former Kimberly S. Bennett.
Deaths: Earl Crawford, 89, formerly of Muncy, died Jan. 8; Max E. Schaeffer, 75, of Watsontown, died Jan. 2; Sandra L. Stabler, 57, of Muncy, died Jan. 8; Marie L. Bartlow, 86, of Muncy, died Jan. 12; Kenneth L. Deppen, Sr., formerly of Hughesville, died Jan. 5; Robert K. Houseknecht, 77, of Unityville, died Jan. 12; John E. Phillips, 59, formerly of Hughesville, died Jan. 6; Robert H. Parker, 51, Montgomery, died Jan. 13.