Hughesville locals
Fun Fact For The Week: According to the human brain has the capacity to store everything you experience.
Pet Peeve For The Week: I’d like to forget some things I’ve experienced.
Kudos to those people who have not given into peer pressure and still have their Christmas lights up. Keep the spirit of the season as long as possible. I believe Christmas lights bring instant gratification!
Hughesville events
A Spaghetti Dinner will be held from 4 to 7 p.m. on Saturday, January 28, at the Hughesville FireHall. All proceeds benefit Hughesville SpartanMarching band. Take outs available.
Bethany United Methodist Church will be having a Raisin Filled Cookie Sale on Friday, February 3 and 10. Cookies will be ready by 11 a.m. Call 584-2044 or 584-2301 with orders by February 1 or 8.
Hughesville AYSO Soccer Spring Registration will be held on Thursday, January 26 from 6-8 p.m. and Saturday, January 28 from 1 a.m. to 12 noon at the Ashkar Elementary School Foyer. Registration fee is $30 and $25 per additional child. No registrations will be taken after February 4. Minimum age born before July 31, 2007. For more details, look at our website at .
2012 East Lycoming Little League baseball and softball registration will be held on Friday, January 27 from 6-8 p.m. and Saturday, January 28 from 9 a.m. to Noon at the Hughesville Public Library. Baseball players: any boy residing in the East Lycoming School District or Sullivan County Townships Davidson, Shrewsberry or LaPorte who will be 5 years old or older before April 30, 2012. Softball players: any girl residing in the East Lycoming School District who will be 5 years or older before January 1, 2012. Registration fee is $30 per child or $50 per family. Fundraiser fee is $30 raffle tickets or buy out. Late registration fee is $10 additional after February 11. Make ups are Friday, February 10 from 6-8 p.m. and Saturday, February 11 from 9 a.m. to Noon.
The Hughesville Public Library will be having a Preschool Story Hour on Friday, February 10 at 10:30 a.m. Miss Eleanor will have several stories and a simple craft with a Valentine theme. Please register at the library (584-3762) so there will be enough materials.
Valentine Crafts for children in grades K through 6 will be held on Saturday, February 11 from 2-4 p.m. at the Library. Valentines and Valentine decorations will be the crafts projects theme. All materials will be supplied. Please register so that there is enough materials (584-3762).
Quilts With Historical Themes” will be presented by Carol Shetler at the East Lycoming Historical Society on Monday, February 20 at 7 p.m.
Happy Birthday wishes to: Charlie Shaner, Paul Snyder Jan. 20; Kathleen “Kathy” Fought, Cassandra McCollin, Kara Snyder and Mike Turi and 16 year old Spencer Jones! Jan. 21; My very good friend Lea Ann Hawk, Brandon Ediger and Cathy McCoy Jan. 22; Janet Kohler, Charles Opp, Asiah Savage and Billie Jo Sontheimer Jan. 23; Lindsay Rayhorn, Jonathan Shaner, Ashkei Bower Jan. 24; Jonah Heiney, Steve Culver, Bob Ingraham and Debbie Martin Jan. 25; H. Steve Houseknecht, Jeremiah Burgett, Corey Groom, Carly Ann Hinchliffe and Eric Swisher Jan. 26; Glenna Gardner and Billy Keller Jan. 27; Marissa Egly, Carrie (zablocky) Eason and June Arlene Crawford Jan. 28; Thelma Bubb, Delilah Worthington, Emily Staman, Paul Bower, Donald Lyons, Jr. and Emily Staman Jan. 29; Bill M. “Billy” DeWire, Patti (Corson) Gordner, Anthony “Tony” Martinelli, Harvey Sullivan, Kristine Gardner, Josh Corbin and Ariel Wallis Jan. 31.
Happy Anniversary to: Jerry & June Racey Jan. 30.
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.