Hughesville locals
Fun Fact For The Week: According to, coconuts kill more people in the world than sharks do. Approximately 150 people are killed each year by coconuts. Now this is the strangest fun fact I’ve ever written!
Pet Peeve For The Week: I think I saw a robin; or maybe it was a crow. No, I’m going to convince myself that it was a robin.
Hughesville events:
Hughesville High School presents the musical “Bye Bye Birdie” on Thursday, March 1, Friday, March 2 and Saturday, March 3, beginning at 7:30 p.m. in the high school auditorium. Call 584-1111 for reserved seating.
The Susquehanna Valley Quilters will hold a “Garden of Quilts” show at the Hughesville Fire Hall on Friday, March 2 from 6-9 p.m., Saturday, March 3 from 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. and Sunday, March 4 from noon to 4 p.m. Over 100 quilts will be on display. Lunch will be available, plus gift items made by guild members and local vendors. For more information call 547-1789.
Trinity Lutheran Church will be hosting an all-you-can-eat Chicken and Biscuit Dinner on Saturday, March 3 from 4:30 to 6 p.m. Take Outs are available.
The Hughesville Library recently received two boxes of children’s books from the Literacy Center at James V. Brown Library. During the month of February, every child up to Grade 6 will be able to choose a book from our basket to take home. Also, any student in Grades 6-12 may pick one hardback or two paperback books from the book sale room free of charge. American History buffs can check out a collection of World War II, Civil War and Korean War books, plus video collections of Vietnam and the Civil War. Cold, windy days are good for jigsaw puzzles. The library always has a puzzle in progress and anyone is welcome to help finish it. Hours are 10-8 on Monday, Tuesday and Thursday and 10-5 on Friday and Saturday.
Trinity Lutheran Church will be hosting weekly Lenten Services every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Happy Birthday wishes to: Karen (Cahn) Hill, Mike Laychur and Sage Bowersox and Roger Webster Feb. 1; Kelli (Bickhart) Worthington, Sue (Faus) Fritz, Brenda Dorman and Francis Frantz Feb. 2; Jessica (Milheim) McCoy Feb. 3; Our wonderful son Coleman Wolfe Feb. 4; Brittany Snyder, Penny (Forse) Barto, Priscilla Blass Feb. 5; John Marquardt, Ali Montgomery, Diana Murray, Doris Starr, Carol (Michael) Zablocky and Bill Thomas Feb. 6; Carol Royce, Ken Thomas and Jamie Fowler Feb 7; Wes Johnson, James Russell III and my other wonderful son, Josh Fry Feb. 8; Molly Hitesman, Sue (Harriman) McConnell, Linda Bower, Dorothy Fague and Mary Crawley Feb. 9; Luke Hackenberger, Ron McGregor, Elaine Waltz, Beth Coates, Sal Bones, Mary Bronson and Stephanie White Feb. 10; Erica (Sherwood) Hubler- Feb. 11; Ronnie Dirk, Susan Frantz, our neighbor Vonnie Sones and my good friend, Pam Jones Feb. 12; Floyd Christmas, Nancy (Sheets) DeWire, Yvette Andrews and Marge Shaner Feb. 13; Nathan Babcock Feb. 14; Elicia Charles, Eric Staman and Allison Gray Feb. 15; Ashlie Wright Feb. 16; Mary Maciejewski, Jim Patterson, Tabitha Garnhart, Helen Richie, Jared Snyder, David Booth, Mike Fry and Dean Temple Feb. 17; Jo Ann Thomas, Paul Heise, Brenda Finkler, Kristen Fry, Caleb Groom, Joni Lupold, Garry Robbins and Brenda Temple Feb. 18; George Edkin, Renee (Diggan) Laychur, Tom Quinn, Bob Warburton, Tracy Walton Feb. 19; Tom Odell, Richard Strausser and Judy Bush Feb. 20; Carol Perry, Chris Whipple, Nick Malara, Alice Grove and Evan Daniel Ryder Feb. 21; Beth Thomas and Kenneth Wodrig Feb. 22; Reuben Doebler, Pastor Sam Schmitthenner, Tammy Russell and Julie Savage Feb. 23; Pearl Colyer, Hazel Hill, Lonnie Reinard, Jesse Houseknecht and Bryan Langdon Feb. 24; Greg Huffman, Tara Runyan, Lois McCarty, Connie Mattson, Brady Ryder, Galen Ryder and Philip Snyder Feb. 25; Wayne May, Sherry Hamilton, Debbie Strausser and Joshua Swisher Feb. 26; Jeff Aderhold, Dorothea Harding, Irma Wertman, Sandy Simpson, Miles Arbogast and Jenna Sellers Feb. 27; Scott Appleman, Heidi Edkin, Daulton Myers, Matthew Myers, Kendell June Daugherty, Ron Dunkleberger, Mary Gottschall, Brian Robbins, Alicia Zook and my wonderful brother, Rev. James Ritter Feb. 28; Kelli Haugh Feb. 29.
Happy Anniversary to: That amazing couple Woody & Ruth (VanBuskirk) Fry Feb. 13; Dick & Dixie Welsh, Sid & Faith Holmes, Jim & Randi (DeWees) Doebler Feb. 14; Ed & Diane Ellis Feb. 17; Mike & Cathy McCoy Feb. 19; Lewis & Marian Harman Feb. 22; David & Julie Whitmoyer Feb. 23; Frances & Cindy Johnson Feb. 27.
- Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.