Hughesville locals
If you get caught texting while driving be prepared to fork over $50! The new anti-texting law went into effect last Thursday. It is now illegal to text while driving. You’d think that would be common sense! According to AAA sending or reading a text takes your eyes off the road for 4.6 seconds. At 55 miles per hour, that’s like driving the length of an entire football field, blindfolded. As the mother of a soon-to-be-driving 16 year old I am very thankful for this new law. No text message is that urgent and is certainly not worth a human life.
It’s beginning to look a lot like tax time!! Income tax forms and instructions are available at the Hughesville library during library hours. There are also many new additions to the “bring one, take one” puzzle table. Plus, there are some new books in Large Type. Come check them out.
Meagan Murray is having her annual Hoss’s Community Night on Thursday, March 22 for “Meagan’s Box” Foundation, a charity that provides Christmas gifts to local children in need. Anyone who would like to go and have dinner can get a ticket/coupon by sending Meagan an email at The tickets will also be available at local businesses.
Hughesville events
Bethany United Methodist Church will be having a Chicken Corn Soup Sale on Friday, March 16. Please order by March 14 by calling 584-2044 or 584-2301.
Trinity Lutheran Church in Hughesville will be hosting weekly Lenten Services every Wednesday night at 7 p.m. The meditations for this service will be a study of the Lord’s Prayer. Everyone is welcome to attend.
Tivoli United Methodist Church will once again be making homemade Easter Eggs. Call 584-4988 to order by March 24. The eggs will be available at Ace Hardware in Hughesville on March 10, 17 and 24 from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
The Lairdsville Fire Company will have a ham raffle on Saturday, March 24. The event is BYOB. Doors open at 6 p.m. and the raffle starts at 7 p.m.
Happy Birthday to: Melissa Hampton, Shawn Ayers and Brendon Gardner Mar. 16; Charlotte Reese, Shirley Reese, Bryan Hoover, Donna Halterman, Charles Neuhard and Wayne Wagner Mar. 17; Jim Myers, Karen Yaw, Gerald Houseknecht and Jonathan Gordner Mar. 18; Kelly Little, George Long, Patrina Pulsifer, Sara Ryder and Nevin White Mar. 19; Luther Lozano and Ken Maciejewski Mar. 20; Pastor Cinda Brucker, Joan Blank, Erica Stroup, Robert B. Warburton and Rachel Langdon Mar. 21; Mason Swisher, Donna Heiney, Anthony Fenstermaker, Roberta Fisher, Zach Lund and Lacey Strayer Mar. 22.
- Happy Anniversary to: Shane & Patty McCoy Mar. 17; Steve & Tina Worley Mar. 18; Jerry & Donna (Green) Fought and Brian & Brenda Finkler Mar. 19; Jim & Sara Jane Patterson Mar. 21; Dan & Missy Rogers Mar. 22.
Remember; take the high road because the low road’s so crowded.