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Montgomery locals

By Staff | Mar 20, 2012

On Sunday, March 18, the Montgomery Ministerium held a community Lenten service at the St. John Lutheran “Brick” Church. Four area pastors participated in the service, as well as representatives from the choirs of Grace Presbyterian Church and the “Brick” Church. The collected offering will benefit the Montgomery Area Ministerial Association. The St. John Lutheran Church will hold several more services during Lent, as well as Holy Week, the week leading up to and including Easter. The public is welcome to all services, which can be found listed on their website, www.stjohnbrick.org. The “Brick” Church is also the new home of Footprints of Montgomery.

Montgomery Events

March 27 Storytime, 6:30 pm, Montgomery Area Public Library, 1 South Main St., Montgomery.

On April 14 there will be an event regarding the history of the village of Alvira and will be presented by the Montgomery Area Historical Society and the PA Game Commission within State Game Lands #252 on Alvira Rd. More details to come.

April 14 & 15 – Virtuoso will present ‘The Wiz’, 2 p.m. in the Montgomery High School Auditorium, 120 Penn St., Montgomery.

April 17 – Montgomery Elementary PTO Meeting, 3:30 pm in the elementary library, 120 Penn St., Montgomery.